5) A Jerk

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Me and Jaehyuk sat at a cafe near our and the girls' school. I drank my coffee as I saw the girls walk over to the cafe through the window, they had a guy with them. They walked over to us with a smile. "Haneul." The guy said with a wide smile. I suddenly felt my head hurt and my ears were ringing, I covered my ears and looked down, trying to hold my painful screams, I felt a hand comfort me.

"Yah! Ha Yoonbin! Did you really think I wouldn't find out about this?" I screamed, Yoonbin looked at me with wide eyes shaking his head. "Its not what it looks like I swear-" I showed him the video. It was him making out with another girl. "Its exactly how it looks. I can't believe I ever liked an asshole like you." I scoffed and walked away, holding back tears.

My head stopped hurting and I looked at Yoonbin wide eyed. "Ha Yoonbin?" I asked, he smiled and nodded. "Didn't we break up?" I asked, weirded out. His eyes widened and he shook his head. "That never happened Haneul, you just disappeared one day." He said sighing. I looked over at Yeeun and Sorn.

"I told you I'm going to that one abandoned train station didn't I? The one where people go missing." I said, Sorn's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Hanuel... you hate abandoned places." She said, I looked at her confused. "I do?" I asked confused, titling my head slightly. Both Yeeun and Sorn nodded. "Everything ok babe?" Yoonbin asked, putting his hands above mine, I quickly pulled them back not happy about the skinship. It seemed like Jaehyuk glared at Yoonbin for a second but I was sure it was my imagination.

"Its time to go." Jaehyuk said, looking at me, I nodded quickly with a smile and stood up. "It was... nice to meet you all again." I said smiling, Jaehyuk took my hand and we walked away, I waved goodbye as we walked away. "Are you ok?" He asked as we were on our way back, I nodded. "It was... uncomfortable." I said honestly.

"I never liked him." Jaehyuk shrugged and I looked at him, confused. "What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed. "He used to go to our school, he was in Junkyu's crew. He then had to move schools, I'm pretty sure he cut all ties with his friends but you never know."

"Ahhh." I said and nodded, Jaehyuk stopped, I stopped too and looked in front of us, wondering what has him stopping. I saw Junkyu in front of us with his friends. "Would you look at that, its the little slut and her client." Junkyu said and chuckled, I glared at him. "What princess? It isn't too late to come back to me. If you do, I wouldn't hurt your little boyfriend." I looked at Jaehyuk and he shook his head a little, I looked at Junkyu again. "No."

He chuckled, three guys approached Jaehyuk and started beating him up, of course he tried to fight back but it was three against one, I quickly tried to go help him but I was grabbed by the arm. "Not so fast princess." I heard Junkyu's voice say. He turned me around and made me face him, he grabbed my face making me look at him. "If only you agreed to my offer earlier this wouldn't have happened, its still not too late princess." He said, chuckling. I rolled my eyes. "Never."

I kneed him, he quickly let me go and put his hands over his private area. A small boy approached me trying to attack. I grabbed his arm and put it behind his back pushing him onto the floor, I sat on him so that it would be harder for him to escape. I saw from the corner of my eye Junkyu slowly getting up, he looked angry. I didn't notice my grip loosened until I was the one pinned to the floor. I groaned in pain. Junkyu started approaching me until there was a shout.

"Yah! Kim Junkyu! Leave my girl alone!" I looked at where the voice came from, it was Yoonbin. Junkyu looked annoyed at first but then his gaze softened. The small boy got off of me. I sat up slowly in pain. "Yoonbin, long time no see. She's your new girl?" Junkyu asked with a smirk, Yoonbin looked annoyed. "We've been together for a couple months." Yoonbin sighed, he helped me up. "Then how come she didn't say anything?" The small boy's eyebrow was raised. "She... went missing last month and lost her memories, Mashiho." The small boy still looked doubtful but nodded nonetheless.

"What about this boy?" Mashiho asked, I gasped at the bloody Jaehyuk and rushed over to him. "He's the one who took her in." Yoonbin said and sighed, looking at me while I called an ambulance. I stood up and looked at Junkyu, I went over to him angrily. "You! Its all because of you!" I yelled, grabbing his shirt. He chuckled and looked at me right in the eyes. "You shouldn't get on my bad side, princess."

"If it weren't for you dating his sister and her killing herself because of you he would have never gotten involved with me!" I yelled, Junkyu made me let him go and chuckled. "Not my fault." He said, I was about to punch him but Yoonbin held me back.

"Let me go Yoonbin! He deserves to be punched!" I screamed hysterically. Junkyu chuckled and started walking away. "Let's hang out again Yoonbin! We haven't talked in forever!" Junkyu yelled, he turned around and walked away, the other guys following him.

"Haneul... you never were violent. What happened?" Yoonbin asked, letting me go. I heard Jaehyuk chuckle suddenly, I ran over to him and stopped him from seating up. "Haneul? Not violent? The girl got into a fight at the first day of school." He said, his voice raspy. "Yah! Yoon Jaehyuk! Stop talking!" I said loudly and he chuckled again. We saw an ambulance pull up, they took Jaehyuk and I went with them, leaving Yoonbin behind.


I woke up next to a hospital bed, for a moment I forgot how I got here. I looked at me and Jaehyuk's joined hands, I sat up and looked at an awake Jaehyuk. I tried taking my hand back but Jaehyuk didn't let me. "My mom came not too long ago, she said she told the school we'll be gone for a week." He said, playing with my hand. "A week? The doctor said you can get discharged today."

Jaehyuk nodded. "I don't know her reason for it. Maybe its time to heal mentally?" He questioned and frowned his eyebrows. I flicked him in between his brows. "You'll get wrinkles if you keep doing this." I laughed and he chuckled too. "Hey, Jaehyuk."

"Yes?" He asked. "What if... I'm not from here?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?"

"What if..." I sighed. "You're gonna think I'm crazy. What if... I'm from another world?" I questioned, he seemed to be thinking about it for some time and nodded. "It kinda makes sense? Theoretically there are parallel universes, nobody knows if they actually exist or not. The memories you seem to have don't align with the people who know you, your personality seems to be different based on Yoonbin's remark of your violent tendencies. Your story of how you got in front of the train too. But.. it can't be confirmed. Its probably all a coincidence."

I nodded, I turned on the TV. "Recently a body of an assumed 18 year old girl has been found inside a suitcase in an airport. The police identified her as Lee Haneul, an orphan who went to *** highschool. Her assumed time of death was 2 months ago." The news reporter said, my eyes widened as they showed a picture of the girl, she looked exactly like me. I looked at Jaehyuk with wide eyes and he looked at me with the exact same expression, looking at the screen a couple of times conforming to himself that we were the same girl. "If you know the victim in any way please report to your local police station."

I can make you happy||JaehyukWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu