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Pov: Toby

The brunette haired boy walked through the dark forest, the leaves turning from a crisp green to a beautiful flaming scene of yellow, orange, and red. He was returning to an abandoned mansion that no human would know of. The location was off maps and those who would explore the woods would never return alive to say what they found.

He was a proxy, working for a tall, faceless guy named Slenderman. Slender was nice to everyone but stubborn of his own ideas. Proxy. Proxy's were people who were more special and we're assigned special tasks for him. Only three were made though. He was one of the lucky three. His name was Ticci Toby.

He had been saved by Slender, surviving almost dying in the flames of his own house. He did that to burn the evidence of his dead father's body. His father was abusive to him and his sister, always going out with a scratch or a black eye of some sort. His mom didn't care, she loved them but let it happen like she married a respectful man and had loving kids. She was wrong. The man hit the kids and forced them to do stuff they didn't want.

He was in his train of thought again! Toby noticed the mansion not far ahead and decided to run the way back. He opened the door to everyone doing their normal things.

Clockwork and Jane were watching TV with Sally, Lazari, and Lulu. Jeff and BEN seemed to be in one of the rooms, the gaming room. That was where BEN's room was. Masky and Hoodie were chatting along as they were playing cards, probably talking about plans they got from slender or something. Laughing Jack and Zero were in the kitchen, barely talking to each other as they got stuff to eat. And yet, Eyeless Jack was no where around. He was introverted and didn't talk to anyone really so no one knew what he was up too.

The boy wondered what to do, yesterday he had bugged Masky but Slender called him off. So he wasn't able to finish his job. He walked over, pulling up his goggles. "Hey masky!" He yelled. "Not now Toby, we are talking about what Slender told us, you know how Slender doesn't like you to bother us while doing so." Hoodie took Masky's reply of 'What?'

"Oh alright, cya guys later." He said, kinda mad he didn't get to finish his job of annoying masky. He walked up the stairs and went to his room. He put his goggles down on his bed side table. He grabbed the one shoe lace on his one tied Converse shoe and pulled it, causing the tie to come undone. He slid the shoe off then slid the next off, placing them beside the door. He sat down on his bed, sighing as he laid down.

He stared at the ceiling, the voices started to talk to him again but he drowned them out by grabbing his phone and headphones and plugging them in. He put the earphones into his ears and went into the music app. He pressed on a random play list and turned off his phone, the music played as he set his phone down beside him.

Pov: Eyeless Jack

The boy who wore a navy colored hoodie stayed in his room, from below he heard BEN and Jeff screaming at each other at the two played some game. What idiots.

He went to his mini fridge and grabbed a kidney, taking his mask off and placing it on his bedside table. He took a bite out of it. He didn't understand why he ate them. He just had a hunger feeling for them. Maybe it was from the stupid demons.

He sat on his bed after he finished the liver, he looked at the ground for a bit. He was normally bored, he didn't have much friends, and the friends he did have well.. were busy with there other friends.

He grown a hobby after being alone for some time, that hobby well, it was weird for him. But it was art. He normally used blood instead of pencil or paint for the art. Then he would hide his art book away for the world to see.

But he didn't feel like doing hat right now, he didn't feel like doing anything right now. Yet he looked at the door, grabbing his mask.

‘mind as well hunt..’ the boy thought, grabbing the door knob and twisting it, opening the door. He closed it behind him and noticed everyone having fun, doing there own things.

"Hey EJ! Want to come hang out with us?" Sally called. He thought about it for a moment. Hunting would be fun, but, so would hanging out with others. He needed to socialize a bit more. Which it what he did.

"Sure.." he said, walking over to the little bleeding ghost named Sally and the demon girl named Lazari. "What are you two doing?" He asked

"We are trying to get Clockwork to play dress up with us!" Sally said. He sighed and turned to Clockwork. "Play with them." He said.

Clockwork looked at him, a little bit of fear now on her face. "F-Fine. Just don't give me tons of pink." Clocky said to the girls. "Thanks Jackie! Your the best!" Sally giggled as she and Lazari grabbed the girl and led her out. So much for hanging out.

He sat down onto the couch and flipped through channels to see what would be good. He stopped on a movie channel and set the remote down. Alone again.

DISCONTINUED | the wind breeze ~ Ticci Toby x Eyeless JackWhere stories live. Discover now