People inside the waiting area were looking at me because I keep on coming back and forth. Looking for Sanjie inside this area but I'm disappointed because he was not there. How will I know if he left when I didn't bring my phone with me?

I don't know what time it is but the sky's getting dark. I don't know how long I've been here, maybe for an hour or two?

I was just sitting on a silver chair and massaging my temples. Now, how will I reach my friends? With Sander and Sanjie?

While I was thinking. I heard someone calling my name, so I looked up to see who it was and my world slow down as I saw him running towards me and yelling my name many times. People inside the waiting area were looking at him in confusion.

I stood up. "S-Sanjie?"

He stopped as he reached to me and I was shocked when he hugged me..tightly. Like he doesn't wanna let me go.

"P-Please don't go." I pleaded.

"W-What?" He asked in confusion.

I let go of the hug and looked at him.

"I said don't go," I repeated.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said.

"B-But.. you're going to C-Canada, right? So please stay.. stay here with me. I love you Sanjie.. please don't go."

His face was priceless.

"W-What? Who says I'm going to Canada? I'm not going anywhere." He asked.

My eyes broadened. "A-Ano? Ang sabi ni Sander sa'kin—" I didn't finish my sentence when I noticed he was wearing pajamas and wore not paired slippers.

I facepalmed. What the hell Sander? I got playtime!

"I've got tons of missed calls from Sander because I was sleeping when he called again and this time I answered. He told me that you're going to London and you'll be staying there. I tried calling your cellphone but you weren't answering, so I went to the airport in a rush...Obviously." He shared.

"So...we got playtime by Sander." I blurted.

He stroked his hair. "Yeah. So you weren't going anywhere?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I'm not going anywhere and I hope you also won't leave the country."

He chuckled. "I'm not going anywhere."

I smiled. "But really? You love me?" He asked with a smile on his face.

I looked away and didn't answer his question, so that made him laugh.

"You sure you love me?" He asked surely.

"Y-Yes bu—"

I almost scream when he pulled me to him and hugged me.

"I don't want to hear but's from you. Knowing you're sure that you love me is enough." He said.

I smiled. "I love you Sanjie."

Now, I'm sure that I love Sanjie—I love him more than Sander. His cousin made me realized these things and I'm very thankful for that.

My cheeks were burning when he kissed me on my forehead.

"I love you more Zephaniah."


Three months later. We graduated from High School and we're ready to face a new chapter of our lives—We're ready to go to college and started planning where to go. Sander and Sanjie were awarded the outstanding honors of our school and I'm very proud of them. So much proud.

After what happened in the Airport. Sanjie and I started dating—like officially. Sander talked to us and he apologized because he only did that because he wanted us to talk and clarify things between us. We're not mad at him instead we thanked him for doing that crazy thing.

If it wasn't for him, maybe Sanjie and I weren't still talking. I just hope that Sander finds the woman of his life. That will truly love him and will love him forever.

Sanjie and I talked to our parents and we talked about us, that we're dating. They were happy to know that we're official but I'm happier because I'm with the man who I met ten years ago. Should I thank myself for crying? Because if it wasn't for my drama, he wouldn't approach me and I wouldn't meet him, and wouldn't become a big part of my life.

So yeah, I should thank myself for being so dramatic. Thank you, little Phaniah!

Lorraine and Maxi? Well, they're happy with their lives and they found someone who will truly love them—like how I wish it will be forever. My friends' happiness matters to me the most.

We decided to study college, to a school where we could still be together. We don't want to be apart from each other. Now, yeah! I decided to take up BsEd that is a major in History because I love that subject.

Ten years ago today. I met a boy whose name was San. He was a black-haired boy. He was kind. He was talkative. And I was wishing to meet him again until it happened. I'm Zephaniah Fortes Soriano. Seventeen. And this is my story.

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