Chapter 1.1: Another Perspective

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  I had to run, to get away from humans. I'd heard Anima City was accepting of anyone who needed refuge, and while I had hoped that promise wasn't just for beastmen, it seemed my hopes were in vain. Almost as soon as I'd entered the city, I'd been in hiding. Nothing had changed. I felt unwelcome among beastmen just as I had among my fellow humans. But the disparity of it all was something I had been stupid enough to ignore- the beastmen's heightened senses.

  If I got close enough or an unlucky gust of wind surprised me, they caught my scent. All I could do at that point was run and hide. Whether they wanted to kill me or deport me, I didn't know, but I had an overwhelming need to escape from the mainland regardless.

  The sun had set and nearly risen and I was still on the move. Was I supposed to be able to live here? I asked myself if I should escape. Was this really where I wanted to make my life? I decided my best course of action was to find city hall, announce my intentions, and go from there. Would they reject me?

  I was so tired. I slumped in a dank, dark alley that reeked of old trash and droppings. It seemed no one had been here for quite some time and probably safe enough to get some rest. I unfolded a handful of small cardboard boxes and draped them over the stained concrete. Spying an old woolen sweater, I thought to make a pillow for myself when footsteps sped towards me.

  I screeched as large gloved hands- no- paws pinned me to the ground. It was too dark to see much except a fluffy silhouette, and despite my terror, it all seemed to happen so fast. He moved with precision and intent. His hand rustled around his back pocket and I heard him curse.

  I felt his hot growling breath on my face as he asked me what I was doing in Anima City. I tried to respond but my lips wouldn't form the words. I felt him pull me to my feet and lead me down the alley by my shirt. He told me to accompany him to the station and relief poured over me. So I wasn't going to die after all.

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