The Trip (pt 1)

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Summer break was going to be over far too soon. Shouyou was excited for more volleyball club activities, but not for more school. He had really enjoyed having a looser schedule.

It was currently a Thursday afternoon, and Shouyou was at Nishinoya's house. The other boy was showing him all of his favorite hiding places in his house that he used to avoid his parents when he was little.

"Sometimes it would take them hours to find me!" the older boy boasted proudly. Shouyou's eyes widened.

"Wow, Noya-san that is crazy!" he replied. Nishinoya smiled widely, before grabbing Shouyou's hand and dragging him through the house.

"I love this next one a lot." He opened the door that led to the garage. The two boys walked past the car in the garage, over to a bunch of shelves.

"I used to hide up there." Nishinoya pointed, "wait, what is that?" he asked and moved towards a shelf. What he pulled off the self happened to be an old four person tent.

"Whaaat? I didn't know we owned one of these! I have never been camping." Nishinoya pouted, saddened by the thought.

"Oh, really? Me neither." Shouyou replied in attempt to help the older boy feel better. Suddenly, the older boy's face lit up.

"Shouyou! Let's go camping!"

That was how after lunch the next day Shouyou found himself getting on a train to the coast with Nishinoya. It had taken a bit of work to convince both of their parents, but the adults had finally agreed after Nishinoya suggested they camp near his uncle.

Unsurprisingly, a trip where Shouyou and Nishinoya had very little supervision was bound to be chaotic. Both boys tended to be hyperactive, and it was quite easy for both of them to get distracted.

Shouyou's mind was having a field day. It was torn between exploring all amazing sights to see, or focusing all of its attention on Nishinoya. The latter was particularly appealing when he explained the places the two boys visited so confidently.

"Do you come here a lot, Nishinoya-san?" The redhead asked. The other male nodded.

"Yeah! My uncle only has two daughters, so he invites me out a ton. Spoils me like the son he never had. He taught me to fish!" The older bragged.

"So where are we actually camping?" Shouyou asked. The two were in Nishinoya's uncle's back yard, walking towards the beach.

"I figured we would set the tent up on the beach! Let the waves lull us to sleep!" The older boy explained enthusiastically. The two boys stopped walking about 100 meters from the water, and Nishinoya dropped the tent onto the ground.

"Okay! How to do this?" The libero unzipped the bag. Shouyou frowned as he knelt down next to the other boy.

"Wait, you don't know how to set up a tent either?" He asked. Nishinoya shook his head, a little embarrassed

"Nah, like I said, never camped in a tent before. And it looks like my parents must have thrown the instructions out a while ago." He gestured to the tent bag with a sigh.

"That's okay! We can figure it out!" Shouyou said confidently. Nishinoya shot him a large smile before heaving the tent out of the bag and laying a tarp on the ground. The two boys got to work on setting up the tent, and after a confusing ten minutes they were pretty sure they had done it right.

"All right! Nice job, Shouyou!" Nishinoya hit the younger boy's shoulder. The two set their things inside the tent, before heading up to eat dinner with Nishinoya's aunt and uncle. His two daughters were also there, appearing to be in high school and middle school respectively.

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