What is this Feeling?

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It was the morning after Karasuno's volleyball team got back from Tokyo. Despite having only slept for roughly five hours, Kageyama was already at the school's gym to practice. Suga was also there with the keys, and was soon followed by Tanaka. Not even a minute later, Asahi and Daichi walked into the gym. Over the next hour or so, the rest of the team strolled in and by 9:00 most of the team was gathered and determined to improve together. However, it was far quieter than normal. This was because two of the loudest members of the team had yet to show.

"Where is that shrimp?! I want to try something new with our quick attack!" Kageyama grumbled.

"I am kind of surprised he wasn't waiting at the gym to practice the moment we got back." Daichi laughed. "Have you tried calling him?" he suggested. Kageyama nodded.

"Yes, the dumbass didn't answer." He pouted. Suga shrugged.

"Well, today is technically still a break, he might be busy." He said. Tsukishima snorted at this.

"Too busy for volleyball? Hinata? Never." He pointed out. The other boys nodded at this. The hyperactive first year loved volleyball more than anything.

"Has anyone gotten in contact with Noya?" Asahi asked.

"Calling him right now!" Tanaka waved his phone, and put it on speaker so the team could listen in.

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiing. Riiiiiiing.

"Ryuuuuuu! What's up?" the cheerful voice of their libero rang across the gym. Tanaka smiled.

"Nothing much, just waiting for your lazy ass at the gym with the team. First you miss Tokyo, and now practice?? For shame." The boy let out a dramatic sigh. A laugh rang out from the phone.

"Wow, I can't believe you are all up already. Especially Asahi, he sleeps like a rock!"

"Hey!" the ace protested.

"Anyway, I can't wait to see what you guys have learned! Was it fun?" Nishinoya asked. Several boys chimed in at once, before Tanaka cut them off.

"Yeah, it was awesome. Get over here and we will show you." Tanaka promised.

"Yeah, yeah. It might be a bit though, I gotta wake Shouyou up first." Nishinoya told the group.

"Okay sounds –" Tanaka was cut off.

"Shorty is with you?!!! That's why he wouldn't answer his phone?" Kageyama exclaimed. The group was quiet for a moment before Nishinoya spoke again.

"Oh! Yeah, he is. We practiced a bit together to stay sharp, and then we watched movies and he stayed the night. But don't worry, you can count on me to get his sleepy ass out of bed!" the libero promised cheerfully before hanging up. The rest of the team stared at each other, not sure why they were surprised that the other two members of the club hung out.

Practice did not go smoothly. They all had a ton of fun, but all of their tricks needed a lot of work. Nishinoya needed to practice setting to each spiker, the first years all needed to work on blocks, Asahi and Yamaguchi had serves to improve, and Kageyama and Shouyou had a lot of work to do to improve their quick attack.

"You need to improve individually before you can give the team your strength." Coach Ukai had told the boys, before assigning them areas to practice. It felt amazing to know how much they had to improve. Some would say it is daunting, but the boys were excited to try so many new things.

The next few weeks passed with the boys working hard on their weaknesses. Asahi's serves improved a ton, and so did Yamaguchi's. When they were invited to the week long summer camp in Tokyo, Karasuno's volleyball club was stoked to have the chance to try all of the things that they had been practicing against powerhouse schools. As the volleyball club gathered early in the morning around the bus, Shouyou found himself bouncing up and down.

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