Chapter Twenty-One: Awkward Encounters

Start from the beginning

Inside she found Michi, sitting with her back facing Chiyo. "Thanks for letting me in," Chiyo said softly. "Whatever..." Michi muttered. Chiyo walked over to her. "Mind if I sit next to you?" Michi didn't say anything, so Chiyo took it as an okay. Joining her, Chiyo stared out the window. "Were you up early enough to see the sunrise? It was super pretty." "...If you have something to say, then say it," Michi mumbled. Chiyo sighed, then smiled.

"Y'know Mi-chan, I've known a lot of girls that hated my guts. A bunch of 'em were real nasty, and they almost seemed to go out of their way to try to hurt me." Chiyo looked at Michi, who was now staring at her. Chiyo continued. "And yet, I always had a response for them, no matter the situation. Some snarky comeback or a quick one-liner. Maybe I'd even tease 'em a lil', give them a good show... But you, Mi-chan... I never know what to say to you."

Michi's face turned to one of surprise before quickly being replaced by another scowl. "That's not true. You're always saying something stupid to me..." "Maybe it just sounds stupid because I'm always guessing. I just say stuff and hope it sticks with ya." Chiyo said. Michi went silent, instead choosing to bring her knees up to her face and clutch the item she was holding closer to herself. "Why... do you even care?" Michi asked. Chiyo thought for a second. "Hmm... I guess I just think you're fun."

"F-Fun?! What kind of answer is that?" Michi yelled. "Just like that! Those expressions of yours!" Chiyo said with a point of her finger. "You say the funniest things Mi-chan!" "How is it funny?! All I want is for you to leave me alone!" Michi protested. Chiyo laughed "Even the way you try to insult me is kinda lame!" "L-Lame?!" Michi shouted. "Who calls someone a bimbo constantly?" Chiyo said, still laughing. "S-Shut up! That's what you are!" Michi went on yelling.

After another minute, Chiyo finally stopped laughing, with Michi yelling at her the whole time. Once she stopped, she smiled gently as she looked at Michi. "You asked why I care, right?" "It doesn't matter anymore!" Michi huffed. Suddenly, Chiyo hopped onto Michi's back, wrapping her arms around the small girl. "W-What the hell are you doing?!" Michi shrieked. "Get off me! You'll give me a disease!" Then, in Michi's ear, Chiyo whispered, "I care because I. Like. You," giving a soft blow to go with it. Her actions caused Michi to shriek even louder, and Chiyo let go. "L-L-L-L-Like me?!?! What-! What does-! How-! You-!" Chiyo smirked. "Hm? What do you think I meant by that Mi-chan? Are you getting some naughty ideas in that little head of yours?" Michi's face turned redder than a tomato. "I WAS NOT!"

Seemingly satisfied with her own fun, Chiyo decided it was time to ask the bigger questions she had on her mind. "Did something happen between you and Kana-chan?" Michi froze. "...No," she uttered unconvincingly. Chiyo kept staring at her, putting on the pressure. "...Alright, fine. So what? Kana-chan will get over it and everything will be fine." "Wow Mi-chan. Now who's the stupid one?" Chiyo said flatly. "Hey!" Michi yelled, but before she said anything else, she stopped herself. "Maybe you're right..."

The room was quiet. Michi looked back up at the window. "But... that doesn't mean I can't be right too, does it?" Chiyo tilted her head at the question. "Right about what?" Michi was silent again. She was too afraid to voice her own insecurities. That she felt like Haruna was taking Kanako away from her. That Kanako was changing into a complete stranger to her. And now, after the way Haruna had reacted to her jab, Michi found herself wondering if Haruna and Kanako might...

"Forget it. It's not like I have to tell you anyways," Michi said. "Yeah, I guess you're right," Chiyo said, standing up. "But y'know Mi-chan? I meant what I said before. I really hope you don't end up alone." Michi looked down at the ground. "Anyways, I'm glad that you talked to me. That's what friends are for, right?" Chiyo said with a beaming smile. "We're not friends..." Michi muttered. "Oh? Then maybe something more? After all, you've been holding my shirt pretty close to your heart this whole time."

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