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Today's OneShot is going to be a little A/U.

Here's the question....

What if Leonardo hadn't broken the control of the brain worm controlling Raphael all those years ago. What would've happened?

Well, here's what I think would've happened.

Enjoy my turtle companions!


The neon lights shining down only made it more difficult for the teenage girl to see the work of art that the tattoo artist was placing on her brothers skin. She was leaning up against the wall in the back as her brother laid down on the table, letting the artist do their work.

"Whassa matter, sis? Blood make you squeamish?" Raphael teased.

"Shut your mouth. Father said only one of us could get a tattoo. I decided to be a good big sister and wait."


"Am not!" Karai snapped. The artist looked up and scoffed.

"Hey, am I piercing your lip today too?" He snapped. Raph turned his head towards the artist and then to his sister.

"You think Dad'll get mad?"

"I think he'll lose his shit. But it's not my skin he'll be peeling off." Karai scoffed.

"Any day now." The artist growled.

"You're our captor, you're not going anywhere. I'll get the piercing." Raph said. The artist nodded and continued to work on the tattoo.

Fifteen minutes later, the artist shut his needle off.

"There. Just use a little ointment and don't do anything extraneous for the next week." Raph twisted his leg and looked at the elegant design of the Foot Clan symbol on the back of his right calf.

"Alright, lay on your back and I'll pierce your lip. Where do you want it?"

"How about right here." Raph smiled, pointing at the right side of his bottom lip. Karai chuckled as the artist grabbed the needle and prepared to pierce the teenage boys lip.

"Sit still." He poked the needle through the skin and Raphael closed his eyes tightly. The artist grabbed a black ring and stuck it into the hole in his lip.

"There you're all set."

"Alright, sis, got get Tiger Claw and have him move this guy." Raph ordered.

"Since when do you make orders?" Karai snapped. Raph sat up and looked at her, smiling evilly.

"Since I'm Dads pride and joy.....and his second in command, you listen to me." Raph smirked. Karai rolled her eyes and left the room. Raph pushed himself off the table and walked to the mirror. He examined the piercing, nodding his head in approval.

"With the mask and belts, do you think it's too much black?"

"A little, yea." The artist responded.

"Can you change it?" Raph asked, turning around.

"What color?"


"White gold?"

"Whatever." Raph grunted as he sat back down on the table. The artist took the black hoop out and placed a silver or white gold one in its place.

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