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Hi guys!

Today's OneShot is also going to be set at the Farmhouse but it's before Leo wakes up. It's all about how Raph is dealing with being the head of his family and stuff like that.

Half way through, Leo will wake up and stuff like that. I'll talk about 'Within the Woods' and then you'll see a little aftermath of that. And this one may be longer so bare with me.

In case you haven't noticed, Raphael is my favorite turtle mainly because when I started watching the show, my temper was really bad and watching him be a hothead but still love his family unconditionally really spoke to me. He's a role model for children with tempers.

Sorry I'm babbling

Enjoy my turtle companions!


The house was silent. The turtles, April and Casey had arrived at April's childhood home almost seven hours ago and there were barely six words spoken. Mikey was still in shock over what he saw, what they all saw. Donnie was doing his best to take care of his younger brother because Raph hadn't left the bathroom. Leo was in a coma, and Raph refused to leave his side.

"Mikey, why don't you go lay down and get some sleep." Donnie whispered. Mikey's eyes opened groggily as he looked up at his immediate older brother.

"I'm fine. I'm just gonna take a little snuggle buggle." Mikey sighed, placing his head back on Donnie's shoulder.

"Mikey, it's nine o'clock. I'm gonna be going to bed too. Why don't we go up and check on Raph?" Mikey rolled over once again and smiled at his brother. The two youngest brothers got up and walked up the stairs.

Raph was on the stool in the bathroom, his elbows resting on his thighs. He had been so focused on Leo that he didn't notice his hands shaking until he looked down.


A knock came at the door, but it wasn't enough to snap the hothead out of his protective brother trance. He didn't turn to look at the door, not even a flinch.

"Raph?" Mikey whispered. Again, no movement. No answer. Nothing. It was almost as if Raphael was gone but his body was still here. Raph could hear his brothers exhausted whisper and he wanted to answer, but his vocal chords and every other part of his body felt like they checked out. He didn't blame them. He was completely numb. He wanted to scream, to cry out for his big brother. But how can you feel sadness when you don't feel anything at all? Raph's body jolted when an olive green hand rested itself on his shoulder. Raph moved his head slightly to see Donnie looking down at him, smiling a sympathetic smile.

"Mikey wanted to say goodnight." Donnie smiled. Raph nodded his head and looked at the floor. Mikey walked over and knelt down in front of his brother. Almost like Raphael was a three year old pitching a fit and Mikey was the parent, trying to reason with said toddler.

"You gonna go to bed?" Mikey asked. Raph continued to look at the floor and shook his head.

"Not tired."

"Just promise me you'll try to get some sleep later?" Raph nodded his head in agreement. Mikey shifted himself and wrapped his arms tightly around his distraught brother.

"Everything's gonna be alright." Mikey smiled.

"Sensei's a master ninja, he's gonna be just fine."

"Everything's gonna be alright."


"Raph?" Donnie said. Raph blinked hard. Here they come. The tears. If there were two people that didn't need to see Raph cry right now, it was Donnie and Mikey.

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