As intermission followed the song, Sky looked over to Ellie who seemed to be completely blown away "How are you liking it so far?"

Ellie found herself unwilling to look away from the stage, out of fear that any sudden movement would make the pools in her eyes spill. Despite her protests, a tear managed escape and run down her cheek and she sniffed before wiping it away and looking over to Sky "thank you" she admitted "It's..."

She drifted off as there was no way for her to completely express how much she loved every moment. Ellie shook her head and chuckled "Sorry"

He reached over and comforted her as she drew near to his chest "don't apologize, believe me, your taking it way better than when the guys saw it" he chuckled which made her smile.

"I love it all so much. There's legitimately not one moment that is untouched from genius. oh, and I think I'm going mental"


"I could have swore that Anthony and Lin looked at us dead in the fucking eyes and smiled when they were crossing over and saying 'hey, hey, hey' at the beginning of Helpless"

Sky smirked and sighed "Your not mental"

"are you saying that-" she paused and went back to leaning on the back of the seat "that they knew? know? they know we were sitting here? and are aware of my existence?"


Ellie stares out for a moment before sliding down in her seat "how?" she rested her elbows on the rests and placed the tips of her fingers along her temples.

"I told you that I know them"

"you said you met them, you didn't say your HOMIES with HAMILTON and the REST of them!"

Sky just chuckled and watched Ellie with a smirk she secretly swears is gonna be the end of her. He couldn't explain the happiness she made him feel, but he knew there was no way he was going to let something come between them.

"Yes, I know them, and yes they know your here with me"

She sat back up and shook her head "i'm never gonna be able to recover from this" Ellie looked over to see Sky watching her "what?"

"nothin'" he smirked which made the blush on Ellie's cheeks real. Sky took Ellie's hand before the theatre dimmed again, and Act 2 began.


Oh, I can't wait to see you again
It's only a matter of time

Will they tell your story? (Time)

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)

Will they tell your story? (Time)

Who lives, who dies who tells your story?

Ellie's breath wasn't caught in her throat as Eliza gasped. She broke during Phillip's death, but quietly enough to not have Sky notice until he looked over and saw her wiping her tears.

Even his eyes were a little glossy at the performance despite seeing it before. As the end appeared, everyone stood and applauded.

"hey, come here" he said softly to Ellie. She hesitated but looked up at him, thankful for waterproof mascara and urban decay setting spray. He wiped her tears "listen, you can cry. i know you think your a bother when you do, but your not. Okay Evangeline?"

She sighed a little as he read her like a book "how do you know me so well?" she chuckles lightly, trying to sound lighthearted.

Sky wipes another one of her tears before she could cover it, in which she lets her her guard down, and put her arms around him. He wrapped her up and Ellie's breathing steadied in the comfort.

unconventional | Sky Flahertyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें