"Borrowing" (Kidnapping)

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3rd person P O V:

It was a "totallllllly" normal day in Ms. Bustier's class. The bell just rang and the class was getting in their seats. "Where is Ms. Bustier, she said never late" Mari said. Before they knew it, the room started filling up with a strange fog....and like that they were all out cold.

Mari P O V:
I woke up to see a strange dark room and I was laying on something, I looked up to see Adrien Agreste. I tried to move but I couldn't. Later, we all woke up and we all still couldn't move but then we saw a dark figure coming from the top. 'is that a akuma' I thought. "Hello Guys" The dark figure came into the light, it was a teenage girl who looked like she was 13-15 yrs old, she was wearing an oversized grey hoodie with black shorts with white poki-dot (My go to wear irl). "Who are you" Kim shouted, "Oh me" she started, "I'm the, Author but you could call me, Violet" she said. "Why can't we move" Mylene questioned, she didn't seem to mind since Ivan was her bf. "Okay here" she waved a wand and we could move again, "Before, y'all go, I wanted to show you ur future since I can't take it anymore" she said dreading the last part, we all settled back down, since we were too, curious.

3rd Person P O V:
"Okay let's start" The Author said, she brought out a umbrella (I honestly forgot what it was called) "isn't that Bunnix's umbrella" Alix called out, "Yeah she let me borrow it" Violet said with a fake smile, knowing she stole it. Now let's get this show on the road.

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