Results 1:

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Hi, in this chapter imma put some results I've gotten before I made this log/diary.

Wolf Results:

-I've have had 2 dreams that are connected to my wolf form

-I've have had a few headaches from time to time

-I've had pressure where my ears would be, it felt like they wanted to come out

-I've have felt tingles where my tail would be and also felt a pressure sometimes

-I love night time a lot more then I did

-I've had urges to chew things

-I've had urges to run on all fours

-I normally didn't like thinking about blood and stuff, but I don't mind it now

-J have been wanting to shift a lot

-I feel a presence with me and idk if that's my wolf or something else

-I have a good connection with the moon

-I love to howl but I haven't had the chance to do a full howl yet

-I have growled on instinct a few times

-I have wanted to get away from people (I normally love talking and being around people, but not recently)

-I am more connected to nature and animals

-I have craved meat a couple times

-I'm starting to not feel safe in my home anymore

-I want to go and live in woods and such

-I have wanted to go outside a lot more

-This is a weird one, but I have not wanted to go on electronics, idk if this is just me or if it's a result

-I don't really want lollies/candy as much as I did

-I don't really want fizzy/soda as much as I did

-My k9s have gotten a lot pointer

-My nails grow faster

-I don't want to talk very much

-I have gotten very good at body language and facial expressions

-Sometimes my hands start to feel really weird if I relax them

Sleep Less sub:

-I have wanted to stay up longer

-My eyes have been feeling a bit sore and heavy (idk if that's good or not)

-I like staying up

-I feel about the same no matter what time a fall asleep and wake up

That's about it I think, if I missed any I will say then in the next chapter. But that's it for now, cya! (I will have a Results chapter every month to compare results)


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