Log 74: 26/08/2021

21 1 0

Thursday 8:05 AM

So, I tried shifting and I got a lot of results. I didn't shift, but I wasn't expecting to since it was my first time trying. Anyway, here are the results I got.

I first got into my bed and put my phone under my pillow, then I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down. After my body felt relaxed, I started saying (in my head) affirmations like
"I have shifted"
"I have shifted into my wr"
"I am in my wr"
"When I fall asleep in my cr I'll wake up in my wr"

(wr = waiting room
cr = current reality)

After saying those for like 5 seconds, my body felt tingly and light, like it was about to float away. Then, I had a feeling of sinking into my bed, this made my heart race a bit (Idk if the heart racing was a symptom or me panicking lol).

I kept saying affirmations while imagining my wr, but I got distracted and I did try again but, I didn't get that weird sinking feeling again.

I think I'm already kinda close, but I'm not going to get my hopes up and obsess over this, I learnt ages ago that obsessing over stuff never helps.

I think that's about it for now, Idk if I'll try to shift again tonight, it depends on if I have the energy. Anyways, cya later.


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