Information: Playlist and info 20/08/2020

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Hello fellow reader, thank you for picking this book. This will be about my subliminal/mythical journey. You can call me Blaze! (not my real name obviously), but I hope you enjoy this book!

I did listen to a subliminal in 2018, but I gave up and got back into them sometime in the beginning of 2020.

My playlist consists of:

Blockage Remover and booster subliminal

By -ukiyosubs

^Wolf Shifter^ -Dna Code $Listen Once$

By StormShine Luminals

^Full Results In Two Hours^ &Listen Once&

By StormShine Luminals

require less sleep rain ver

By love!chuu

Subliminal Booster

By Shadow Subliminals

I have been listening to the Wolf sub and Full Results in two hours sub for about a month and the require less sleep sub and Subliminal booster sub for a little less then that.

I added the blockage remover and booster sub yesterday, and I can already feel a difference, I feel more relaxed then I had been. Btw the pic at the top is what my wolf form would look like.

I also just made a diff sub playlist for subs I want to listen to after these ones, I don't want to overload my brain, so Imma stick with my playlist until I get my desired results.


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