I Always Have! (Surprise Ship, Implied Spoilers)

Start from the beginning

"Can I come in?" Danna asked.

Nova just realized that Danna was still standing in front of her door, on her porch.

"Right, of course," Nova replied, moving over. Danna walked in and Nova closed the door behind her.

The cat, Princess Sweetie, greeted Danna.

"Wow. She usually hates visitors," Nova said. "She even hated Adrian at first."

"Animals like me. Probably cause of the whole butterfly thing." Danna replied. "But I still hate those stupid crows."

"Anyway, Danna, what will it take for you to leave me alone?" Nova asked.

"Nova, I'm not leaving this house until I can be confident that you're going to start taking care of yourself," Danna insisted.

Nova groaned. She looked at the mantle, where she had put picture frames of Adrian (and sometimes pictures of her and Adrian, such as their wedding picture), to commemorate him.

"You sent her, Adrian, didn't you?" Nova asked the most recent picture of him before he died.

The picture, of course, didn't answer.

"Go take a shower," Danna commanded.

"Fine," Nova replied and headed towards her bathroom.

Danna headed to the kitchen to cook some food since the widow couldn't seem to feed herself.

"Wow," Danna said, when she was confident that Nova couldn't hear. "The woman I love has already been widowed once."

"Meow," The cat said, rubbing against Danna's ankles.

Danna flipped the grilled cheese over. She put the finished product on a plate and then got a handful of baby carrots out of the fridge so Nova could start getting her vitamins back.

Nova emerged from her bathroom.

She was wearing a clean outfit and her hair was still wet, but Danna could tell that when it dried, it'd look better than it did before the shower.

"I made you lunch. It's grilled cheese with a side of baby carrots," Danna said, handing her the plate.

"Oh, Thanks, but I'm not..."

"Nova, I swear that if you don't sit down and eat right now..." Danna began to threaten.

"Ok, ok, fine. I'll eat," Nova said, taking a seat at the table.

She would eat dinners at this table with Adrian. She hadn't used it since he died.

"Why are you doing this, Danna?" Nova asked.

"Because you're my friend, Nova," Danna replied.

Nova was good at telling when people were telling the truth.

And she could tell Danna was being only half-truthful.

"And?" Nova asked.


"You're not telling me the whole truth," Nova replied, taking a sip of the water Danna had put in front of her.

Danna sat across from Nova.

"Because Nova...." She paused. "Don't you get it?"

Nova shook her head. "Get what?"

"I love you! I always have!"

Nova stared at the blonde in front of her.

She didn't know what to say.

Nova had known for a long time that she wasn't straight. She was pansexual, but Danna didn't know that (non-canonical). 

"But you don't like girls," Danna said, looking away.

"Assuming my sexuality? Rude," Nova commented.

Danna looked at her, mouth agape. 

"I'm pansexual. And if I can't have Adrian, I'm glad I can have you. Plus, I think Adrian kind of shipped us all along." Nova said.

Danna slowly processed what Nova had just said.

"You... You like me?"

"Yep. And if I hadn't fallen in love with Adrian, first, I probably would have dated you."

Danna and Nova both got up.

Danna embraced Nova, and then brought her in for a kiss.

Nova was sure that Adrian was still behind this, looking at them from wherever he was now. His wife was already feeling better. His job was done. And hopefully, he was happy that his plan worked.

Nova would always love him, but her heart has room for two.


So I don't know if I'd call this good, but it turned out better than I thought it would be.

I can vibe with Nova and Danna. It's not a bad ship by any means, but I made Adrian die because I couldn't break up Nova and Adrian in any other way. I do ship them more than Danna/Nova.

Anyway, I hope you liked this.

That bit about assuming sexuality?

I don't know if this is everyone, but I find that assuming sexuality is very rude. People assume I'm straight because I've very femme and I don't look like I could be anything other and I've had boyfriends. But I know who I am attracted to, damn it, and I do like the ladies!

The truth us, I'm a friend of Kyoshi, which is code for bisexual. I'm sorry but last time I checked, bisexuals don't have a certain look. Neither do lesbians, or gay men. They're all different. There are some butch lesbians, some femme lesbians, some buff gay men, some scrawny. You can't judge a book by their cover. Stereotypes are never true for everyone.

Fun Fact: The canon art of Danna is what made me question my sexuality. I looked at the picture and I was like "Whoa, there's that weird feeling I sometimes get for other girls again."

I had a whole journey and really sat down with myself and finally came to terms with the fact that I can go either way.

Anyway, I know I mentioned Adrian a lot. But I mean, Nova lost a husband, she's not gonna get over it just like that. So Danna intervened. And they both love each other. Yay!

Thank you again, @krazykitty5536, for the request.

Also, I didn't get many comments asking me to continue, but I think I will hold off on ending this, just because I have more ideas and I'm not ready to part with the Renegades characters just yet. So there will be a few more chapters after this before the finale.

But I promise it will end soon.

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