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Lexie's point of view
It's been two weeks since me and Mark hooked up and he took the DNA test. Of course it was a match. And by now the whole hospital knows and they don't have a problem with it not even Callie which surprised me because she was always protective of him. But today when I woke up I was feeling very nauseous like I've been feeling the past week. So I went to the bathroom and threw up. I was thinking one possible thing but I didn't want to believe it so I went to the store before work and after I dropped Maddie off to school. I bought a pregnancy test and took it at the store. I waited a few minutes and it said pregnant. What was I going to do. When I went to the hospital I was eating Reese's peanut butter cup and in my own world I dint even realize Meredith was snapping her fingers saying earth to Lexi. " Lexi!" Meredith streamed. " Huh-huh yes." I said. She looked at the wrappers. " What's wrong?" She asked. "Um-uh nothing." I said. " Then why are you eating all that candy?" She asked. " Because." I said. "Ok come find me when your ready to talk." She said and walked away. Then I went and grabbed a apple. Then I turned around and Mark was there. He looked at me weirdly and asked. " Are you ok." He asked looking at the apple. " Of course why wouldn't I be?" I asked. " Because the person who hates apples and doesn't think they she be considered a fruit is eating a apple." He said. " Yea I'm good. I'll talk to you later though." I said and walked away. I then went to my consult with Mer. When I reached the room she had a brain scan up. Then she looked at me and said. " What's wrong are you sick or something." She said feeling my forehead. " Yea why wouldn't I be." I said. " Because your eating an apple." She said. " I'm good Mer just let me know when we have the surgery." I said walking out. Then all of a sudden somebody pulled me into the girls bathroom. When I turned around it was the one and  only Meredith Grey. " Lexie What's wrong." She said. " Nothings wrong." I said. " Tell me or I'm gonna go get Mark and we are going to interrogate you together!" She yelled. " Fine I'm kinda....." I said. " Kinda what lex." Mer said. " I'm kinda...... sorta...... pregnant......" I said and she looked shocked. " Your What!!" She yelled.

Ok yall do I hope y'all like this chapter and yes there is gonna be another slexie baby and I hope y'all don't mind. And let me know in the comments.

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