Going Back

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5 years later

Lexie's point of view

"Hey baby girl." I said I gently woke my daughter up. "Good morning mommy." Madison said. "Today aunt Mer, Ellis ,and Zola are coming." I said as I picked her up and walked in the living room. "Mommy how come Ellis and Zola have a daddy and I don't?" Madison said, and It broke my heart that she's growing up without her father. Only Meredith, Derek, and my father know about Mark being Madison's father. Derek says he isn't wasn't gonna tell Mark and he didn't. "Maddie everyone has a daddy. Its just complicated with yours, okay?" I said to her. "Okay mommy I'm about to get dressed." she said and ran off. Then Meredith called. "Are you here yet?" I asked. "No but you need to get to Seattle fast." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Its you father he had a heart attack and is in the hospital." she said. "Ok I'm gonna be on the next flight to Seattle I should be there 11 am tomorrow morning." I said and hung up. "Madison," I said as I went into her room. "We are going to Seattle." I said. "Why mommy?" Maddie asked. "Because there is something wrong with grandpa and we need start packing." I said and started to pack. After a few hours we where on the plane on our way to Seattle. The place I fell in love, the place I found my sister, and the place I was heartbroken multiple times. After a few hours we landed in Seattle. When we grabbed our bags and I seen Meredith with a sign that says 'Madison Grey and Lexie Grey.' I smiled. "Mer!" I screamed as I hugged her. "Look at you Maddie look just like you father." Meredith said. "You knew my father Aunt Mer." Maddie asked. "Yes of course." She said. "Well lets get going where going straight to the hospital." I said trying to change the subject. "Ok lets go." Mer said.

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