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Okay so, if ya'll saw Cole's post on IG a little earlier today, we know Lili and Cole have now officially split (they did in March but we just properly found out now) and basically there are a few things I have to say/clear up.

1. Lili and Cole are still friends. They didn't end on bad terms.

2. I still support each of them as individuals, as I did before.

3. I will still continue to love them both with basically all of my heart.

I can't thank Lili and Cole enough for everything they've done and continue to do for me. Yes, I'm sad it's properly official now but will it change how much I love them both? Absolutely not.

And finally, I know I said I was bringing these back and it hasn't been a while since I updated but pretty much, I am stopping these Oneshots. I hope you can all respect that choice as I feel it's not right to continue something that's already ended. Lili and Cole have broken up. That should be the end of it, unless they choose to get back together in the future.

Although, I am very willing to create a new book of Bughead oneshots, only if you all would read them.

Again, I hope everyone reading this can respect my decision as I don't think it's right to continue these.

Love you all very much and I hope you can all continue to support both Lili and Cole as the beautiful individual human beings they are.


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