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(A/N: Just saying, in this Oneshot, the cast is in high school but obviously not a cast, just all best friends. Cole and Lili are dating, Cami and Charles are dating, KJ and Ashleigh are dating (Idk why but I see them as a good couple although Ik Ash is dating someone else), Madelaine and Travis are dating, Vanessa and Michael are dating, Dylan and Barbara are dating and Casey is a lil' single pringle, although he's taking someone to prom)

*Cole's POV*

It's currently 5:30 pm and the senior prom begins at 7:30 pm so I have exactly 2 hours to be ready. Of course, I'm taking Lili and we have matching colour outfits, like all the other couples.

My suit is a really nice light blue.

Once I was dressed into it, I sent Lili a quick photo to see what she thought

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Once I was dressed into it, I sent Lili a quick photo to see what she thought.

Cole: [Image above]

Cole: What you think?

Lili: Looks great

Cole: Can I see your dress?

Lili: Sure, gimme a sec

Lili: [Image]

Lili's dress looked absolutely magnificent.

Lili's dress looked absolutely magnificent

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Cole: Looks great, babe

Lili: 😊

Once I'm ready, it's 7:00, since I had to shower, eat, style my hair etc. It normally takes me about 15 minutes to get to Lili's house so I quickly rush out of the house, Dylan doing the same and rushing to his car and me rushing to mine.

"See you at school." He smiles.

"See you." I smile back.

I get in my car and pull out the driveway, beginning to drive to Lili's house.

When I arrive, it's 7:13 so I must've sped a little bit. I walk up the steps that lead up to her house and when I reach the door, I knock.

The door gets answered by her little sister, Tess.

"Hey Cole." She smiles.

"Hi Tess, where's Lili?" I smile back.

"I'm here! I'm here!" She says as I see her rush down the stairs. "Sorry, I was just getting worried that I wasn't going to be ready in time." She rushes towards the door.

"Well, as long as you're still going with me, I'm fine if we're late." I smile and she gives me a smile back.

"Okay Tess, I'll see you later and DO NOT do anything stupid." Lili says since Tess is home alone, parents being on a date and her big sister at university.

"Yeah yeah, go have fun." Tess says and pushes Lili out of the door then closing it.

Me and Lili both laugh and begin walking down to the car. I open the passenger door and she climbs in, giving me a smile, showing that she appreciates it.

I rush to my side and get in.

"You look breathtaking by the way, Lils." She smiles.

"I was just about to say that you look rather prepossessing." I chuckle at her big word.

I start driving to school which usually only takes about 10 minutes from Lili's house. Being two people that don't like sitting in awkward silence, I engage us in a conversation.

"Who are going together?" I ask.

"All couples but Casey is going with a bestie of his. Are Dyl and Barbara going together?" She asks.

"I should hope so unless they broke up and I don't know about it." I chuckle.

"If they did I think I'd actually cry, they're so cute together." Lili says, smiling.

I laugh a little at her smile since she's obviously thinking about and admiring Dylan and Barbara.

A few minutes later, we arrive at school and both get out of the car.

"If I know you well enough, you prefer holding hand rather than latching onto my arm." I look at her and she looks back, giving me a smile.

"I think you know me well enough." We both chuckle as she holds her hand out.

I take it and we both walk up to school and walk to the school hall.

Considering that it's pretty early, there were loads of people here.

"Do you want a drink?" I ask and she nods. "Okay, be back in a sec." I kiss her cheek and walk off to the little drinks stands.

I grab us both a red solo cup with some punch in it and scan the crowds for Lili and I set my eyes on her. She's talking to Charles, Cami nowhere to be seen.

Charles looks upset and says something to her and she looks around and nods.

I then see them both walk to the dance floor. Charles puts his hands on her waist and she wraps her arms around his neck, then leaning her head on his shoulder.

At this point, my heart is honestly completely shattered. If only I'd known that she would ever cheat on me. Not only cheat on me but also cheat on me with one of my best friends.

I slam the red cups down in anger, making the liquid spill, then I rush out of the school hall.

*Lili's POV*

Me and Charles are still swaying along to the song but then Dylan and Barbara walk up to us.

"Lili...what the hell? I thought you were coming with my brother." Dylan says, annoyed.

"I am here with your brother. Cami just didn't show up and Charles was really looking forward to dancing with Cami so he asked if he can have a little dance with me and as a good friend, I accepted." I explain.

"Well you might wanna tell Cole that since he just ran straight out of the school hall." Dylan says and my eyes widen.

"Charles I-I need..." I begin but he chimes in.

"No yeah, I totally get it, I'm sorry for even asking, I shouldn't have." Charles says.

"It's okay...I'll talk to you later." I walk as quickly as I can out of the school hall.

My first thought is to check the men's restrooms so I walk straight in, not caring if I get weird looks.

"Cole? Are you in here?" I ask and everyone who was in here leaves, obviously knowing that something was going on.

"Leave me alone." Is all he says.

"Cole, you need to let me explain."

He unlocks the door. Eyes red and puffy.

"What is there to explain? All there is to explain is that you're cheating on me with one of my bestest friends and I find that pretty easy to understand."

"Cole..." I begin, shocked about him assuming that.

Let's just say that what's about to come...isn't pleasant.

Ahahaha I left ya on a cliffhanger! So yes, there will be two parts to this but I hope you're enjoying this so far <3

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