9 - flower crowns

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**louis' POV**

"uhh hazza, can I borrow you for a minute?"

I watch as the four girls that are covering him get off and he strolls over to me. I reach my hand out to his and hope he takes it. he does and I intertwine our fingers as I lead us out the back door and towards the field.

"where are we going lou?"

I don't answer his question. I just pull him with me to the far corner of the field where daisies, sunflowers and little pink flowers take over the bushes. harry giggles behind me when I sit him down on the green patch of grass that is hidden by a large oak tree, keeping the sun away.

"boobear what are you doing?"

he says with more giggles. he sounds so cute when he giggles and I will never get tired of that sound. he is perfect. I run around without answering him. I pick out as many flowers as my little hands can take.

once both my hands are full with the white, yellow and pink flowers, I sit down next to harry and lay them in front of us.

"lets make some flower crowns"

"you know I love flower crowns, but why lou?"

"there doesn't need to be a reason"


there is a reason but he doesn't need to know it just yet. we start off with the crowns and harry speeds off ahead of me. he's really good at making these and I'm very slow. it's just a little harder for me, I don't know why.

I'm concentrating so hard on my half finished crown, I don't hear harry declares his finished.

"lou I'm done"

"louis look"


"boobear loooooooooook"

I don't hear any of it. he garbs my attention by laying the soft flowers on my head and patting my hair. I finally look up and face harry.

"sorry haz I was very concentrated"

"I could tell, your little tongue was poking out and you kept huffing when something went wrong. it was adorable"

"m'not adorable"

I say while putting the almost finished crown down, crossing my arms and pouting.

"yes you are louis! you are the cutest, most adorable and lovable person I have ever met"

I can't help but let a large smile fall onto my face. man am I lucky to have harry in my life. I pick the flower crown back up and carry on threading the flowers through each other to make a big enough circle to fit harry's head of curls.

eventually I finish it and stand up. I pull harry with me and now we are standing at the same level. we're still the same height but I can already tell harry is going to be taller than me. I place the crown gently onto harry's head and watch as he turns a light pink and his dimples appear.

"thank you boobear. I love it"

"it's really bad but you make it look so much better"

he giggles as I place my hands on his waist. I slip my fingers under his shirt and rub small shapes on the soft skin under my fingertips. harry squirms under my grasp and starts laughing.

"ah louis stop that tickles"

I smile and move my hands higher up under his shirt to tickle him more.

"louis no stop please it tickles"

I tickle harder as his kneels buckle and we fall to the ground. I land on top of him but don't stop my tickle attack. his fits of laughter are music to my ears as he squirms and moves under my grasp.

"louis ah stop I- I can't b-breathe"

I finally decide to stop and I still my hands. his shirt is bunched up under his arms and his toned stomach is on show for me. as harry catches his breath, I can't help but let my eyes travel down his body. he really is gorgeous.

he sighs.

"thank you"

"sorry haz, you just look cute when I tickle you and I love your laugh"

another strong blush lands on his face and I move my hand up to touch his cheek before I can even comprehend the movement. his eyes shoot open and his whole body stills as I stare deep into his eyes while my hand moves over his cheek. all my weight is on harry and I know he isn't struggling to hold me. he is really strong and I'm not that heavy.

I move my hand from his cheek to put a strand of his hair behind his ear. he smiles at me before I move off him and sit next to him. I watch from the corner of my eye as his smile fades and he sits up on his elbows.

"really lou?"

I turn away as he sits up properly.

"why did you move?"

I face him again and I see a sad expression. no I don't want that face. he is sitting cross-legged now and his shirt is back where it should be, but not where I want it to be. I slowly reach my hands over to his legs and pull them towards me. harry watches my every movement as I bring my left hand to join my right one on his legs.


I smooth my hands up his naked legs and onto his dark blue shorts on his thighs. they keep travelling up him until they land on his waist. I shuffle over to him until our knees are touching and we are face to face. I gently pull his waist towards me and I watch many emotions flash across his face.

"boo what do you want me to do?"

"come here"


I pull him onto his knees and over my crossed legs. I push him down so he's sitting in my lap, but he is still on his knees. I stretch them out around me so he's straddling me. I wrap my arms tightly around his waist while his go around my neck.

"this is more comfortable"

"I'm not too heavy?"

"not at all. just perfect"

he smiles and looks down.

"nope no looking down. I want to see your gorgeous smile"

I put my fingers under his chin and lift his head to look into his eyes.

"we're finally alone haz"

"yeah we are"

"can I kiss you now?"

"please, I don't know if I can wait any longer"

I slowly lean into his beautiful face and connect our lips. they move together in a sweet embrace and I can't help but get completely lost in him. his smell, his touch, his mind.


he puts his hands into my hair and moves them around my scalp. I wrap my arms fully around his waist and pull him into me, making his back arch. he moans into my mouth and I have to stop myself from going limp.

I glide my tongue along his bottom lip in a plea for entrance which he gladly accepts. my tongue passes his soft lips and enters his mouth to explore every bit I can reach. once mine meets his, loud moans escape both our needy bodies.

the need for air is becoming too much but I'm not ready to stop kissing him. I've tasted him and now, I can never stop. he's like a drug. I've had some and now I'm addicted.

he tugs at my hair and I make his back arch just that little bit more before we have to pull apart in order to breathe. we catch our breaths as we look into each others eyes.


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