“He’s a strong man. He’ll be back in your arms in no time.”

There was hesitation… he could feel it in the air even without seeing it and it sliced away another piece of his heart to add to the growing pile.

“Look, about the other night-” Scott began.

“Don’t. It’s ok. I get it, you were drunk and upset.”

“I shouldn’t have... “

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does. Thank you for not… “ he paused along with Mitch’s heart  “… for being you. Thank you for taking care of me.” 


He wished he could cry, wished he could scream or maybe just disappear. He didn’t want to be part of this conversation, didn’t want the details, just…  didn’t want to know. He tried to remind himself that he trusted Scott. He tried to remind himself that Scott loved him and would never hurt him like that. He tried.

He could hear Scott sniffling, could hear movement and guessed they were hugging. Well why not.  Why wouldn’t they. 

“We should go.” Alex said quietly.   Silence.   “He’ll be ok. It’s just a few hours and Jeremy deserves that.”

He heard footsteps and felt the briefest, lightest kiss against his forehead.  “I’ll be back later.”

More footsteps and then they were gone. Then he could cry… wallow... hurt.



“So, what’s really going on?”

Scott looked at Alex as he rummaged through his bag looking for something to change into. Mitch’s dad had wanted to stay with him that night so he’d acquiesced and gone back to the hotel.  “What do you mean?”

“You asked me not to leave, so I haven’t. I mean, I  get why you’re not there tonight, but you’re a little… distant. ”

“What are you talking about?  I’ve been there every day.”

“You know what I mean. Honesty, Scott. What are you afraid of?”

“Nothing. I’m fine.”

“It’s like you’re scared of him. You sit like 10 feet away..”

“I sit right next to him!”  


“Shut up! You don’t know, ok! WE’RE FINE!” 

He held up his hands and let the subject drop. He just hoped Mitch had better luck getting through to him than he did.



“Are you sure you don’t want another pillow?”

“Scott, i’m positive. I’m fine, I swear.”

“Babe, you said your neck hurts.”

He reached out his hand for him, and Scott took it, but he could see an almost imperceptible twitch of his eye when he touched his hand. “It’s fine.”

Scott hates hospitals. He hates hospitals and sick people.  He’ll be better when we’re home.

 “Can I have a kiss yet?” 

“I already kissed you this morning.”

He pouted a bit but Scott got up and gave him a quick peck. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

He chewed on his lip, wondering what was happening between them.


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