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(1 month later)
"Stella it's my first day back and we are gonna be late because you wanted to get coffee." I said before getting out of the car that was parked out front of the fire house.
"Chief is going to kill us."
"No he's not Sophia. Trust me."
"If we get in trouble I'm blaming you."
I walked through the door and my mouth dropped. I covered my gasp with my hand.
Jay was on one knee with a ring in his hand.
I felt tears start to come down my cheek.
I walked over to him.
"Sophia Callie Severide will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Yes!" I said nodding my head.
He slipped the ring on my hand and lifted me into a hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He gave me a kiss and I heard the rest of 51 cheer.
"Hey you did catch the bouquet at Trudy and Mouch's wedding." Stella remarked.
I laughed.
I pulled Jay outside to talk to him in private. I had the biggest smile on my face and so did Jay.
"I told you I would get you a ring."
"And I told you that you didn't need to propose again."
"I wanted to make you happy." I smiled and admired the ring.
"This ring is beautiful and I can't wait to marry you!"
"It was my mom's, and before that it was my grandmother's."
"It really is beautiful."
I admired the ring again.
"Yesterday, I actually went with Kelly to ask your dad for permission to marry."
I laughed.
"Seriously? Your a dork, and besides you already proposed to me."
"I know but you love me."
"I do."
"I was actually wondering if my dad can come over for dinner tonight, I want him to meet you."
"Jay you don't even have to ask it's your apartment too."
"Ok. I'll see you after work."
"See you. Bye." I waved to him as he walked away.

I walked back into the firehouse and was bombarded by Stella, Brett, and Gabby.
"Ok I know what your all gonna ask so I'll tell you. Gabby your my maid of honor, Stella and Brett are my bridesmaids along with Natalie Manning and my sister Katie."
"That's nice to know but that's not what we wanted to know."
"You wanna see the ring don't you?"
They all nodded in agreement and I held my hand out for them to see.
"Oh my god it's beautiful."
"And the diamond is huge."
"This must have cost him a fortune."
"It was his grandmothers, then his moms, now it's mine, and someday it will be my daughter-in-law's."
"Congrats really."
"Thank you."
Once I was alone with Stella I asked her,
"You were in on this weren't you? That's how you knew I wouldn't get in trouble for being late."
"Yeah maybe I was." I laughed at her.

"Person trapped. Squad 3, Ambo 61."
They ran towards the rigs and I sat and talked with Stella.
I was outside getting a breath of fresh air when someone ran up to me.
"Help me, help me please!"
He was carrying a little girl that was turning blue.
"What happened?"
I ran over to him.
"She was eating and then she started choking."
"Okay lay her down flat."
He did as I said.
"Can I get some help over here!"
Stella came running over with Casey and Otis on her side.
"What happened?"
"This girl is choking and I can't get what she's choking on out."
I continued doing the heimlich and what she was choking on came out but she still wasn't breathing.
"Damnit! Starting compressions."
I started compressions on the young girl.
"Come on." I checked her pulse, it was weak but it was there.
"I got a pulse!"
Thankfully 61 pulled in right after I got her to start breathing again. We loaded her into the ambulance and before her father got in he turned to me.
"Thank you, thank you so much."
"It's no problem, just doing my job." I said with a smile.

It's been a slow day.
"House fire. Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, engine 51. Battalion 25."
Of course the bells go off after I think it's a slow day.
I hopped on the rig and we drove to the scene.
A woman came running up to us.
"I was cooking and the grease spilled on the burner."
"Is there anyone in there?"
"Ok ma'am step over there. Engine knock it out."
They did as he said and that was that.

I walked out to my car and saw a bouquet of roses sitting next to my door.
"Not this again."
I threw the roses into my passenger seat and hopped in the drivers seat and drove to my apartment.
I unlocked the door to see Jay talking to Will and an older man who I assumed was his father.
"Hey baby." He said with a smile on his face. He got up and gave me a hug.
"The roses are back." I whispered in his ear
He nodded and took the roses and put them on the counter.
"Sophia, you've already met Will, but I want you to meet my dad."
He came over and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Halstead."
"You too Sophia."
I sat down at the kitchen table where there was a pizza box.
"So what do you do for a living Sophia?"
"Well I was a doctor out in the field for the army, that's actually how I met Jay." He smiled at me
"Now I'm a firefighter."
"Now I know this is a weird question but should I be expecting grandchildren?"
"Dad really?"
I laughed.
"We've talked about it."
He smiled.
"I like you Sophia. I like you a lot and I can't wait to welcome you into our family."
We talked for another hour and then Will and his dad left.
"Thank god they are gone I've been waiting to do this all night."
"Do what all-" I was cut off when Jay kissed me. It started out sweet and slow but then turned into something passionate. He backed me up against the door so I locked it and we started walking to our bedroom not breaking the kiss at all. One thing lead to another and long story short we ended up naked in the bed we shared.
I was laying on his chest playing with his hair.
"Jay I can't wait for the rest of our life together."
"Me neither." He kissed the top of my head and we slowly drifted to sleep.

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