Get Out Of Our Way

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⚠️T.W⚠️ there is mentions of sexism and racism. There is also mentions of being stalked.
I was currently standing in my apartment with Jay and the Intelligence unit. They had found 3 more cameras in my apartment. 1 in the kitchen, 1 in my bathroom, and 1 in my living room along with the one in my bedroom. I went and sat at the island and Kim and Adam came over.
"Sophia I'm sorry to break it too you but I think your being stalked."
Kim told me.
"Of course I am. It's one thing after another. That would explain the roses too."
"Sophia do you have someplace safe too stay?"
Adam asked
"Yeah I can stay with Jay, I mean he asked me to move in with him anyway, the only reason I was here was so that I could get some clothes. But speaking of Jay who is that cop getting handsy with him?" There was a red headed cop standing next to Jay.
"That's a patrol officer I don't even know why she's here."
"I'm gonna go scare the hell out of her."
"Oh this is gonna be good."
I walked over there and tapped on her shoulder.
She spun around to face me.
"First of all why the hell are your hands on my boyfriend?"
"I uh."
"Second of all put the pen and paper away cause your not getting his number."
"I- I'm sorry."
"Bye." She walked out looking like a dog with its tail between its legs.
"That was badass and hot."
"Nobody touches you like that except me."
He smiled and gave me a kiss.
"Come on let's go home."
We were walking out too our cars when I saw a figure near the trees.
"Jay." I whispered
He looked towards me and I pointed towards the figure. He saw it and walked towards it. By the time we got there the figure was gone. He turned his flashlight on and there was footprints. We were gonna follow them but there was only two.
"I'll tell Adam and then we are going to my place it's late."
After he told Adam we went to his apartment and went to bed.

I walked into the firehouse and it was quieter than usual.
"Did someone die here?"
"No, Chief took a week leave to be with his son. We have a new battalion chief all week."
"Well who is it?"
"Chief Pridgen." Stella said walking in.
"I hate that guy. I had him in the academy he always made things harder for me. He hated me."
"He hates women in general, I had him in the academy too. I was in a class with 3 other females he always made things harder on us."
"So he's sexist?" I asked
"Yes. He thinks women belong in the kitchen not as firefighters." Hermann answered me.
"Well this week is going to be so much fun."
Just my luck he walked out just as I said that.
"Stella Kidd and Sophia Severide. Such a surprise to see you here when you should be in a kitchen. Is that your job here washing dishes or cooking the food."
"Don't talk to them like that."
He spun around on his feet.
"And who are you exactly?"
"I'm Lieutenant Kelly Severide and your talking to my sister and my girlfriend like they don't belong here when they do." At this point he was screaming and I could tell he was pissed.
"They are both amazing firefighters and I won't let you belittle them."
"I'll do whatever the hell I want."
"Not on my watch you won't."
Thankfully the bells went off and saved me from the conversation.
"House fire. Truck 81, squad 3, engine 51, battalion 25, ambo 61."
We ran towards the rigs and got to the scene.
Me and Stella started putting our gear on but Chief Pridgen stopped us.
"No you stay out here."
"Because we are women?"
Casey came over.
"They go in or I report you to headquarters and H.R."
"Fine. Go but I'm coming in with you."
We walked up stairs with Chief Pridgen up our asses.
"There's someone over there."
I went to go get him but Chief Pridgen stopped me. The same thing happened with Stella.
"Let us go! There's someone back there!"
"He's black he probably started it!" Chief Pridgen said yelling at us.
"Even if he did he still deserves to live!"
Stella screamed back.
"Get out of our way!"
I pushed past Chief Pridgen and picked the guy up.
"Kelly get everyone up here quick!" I said into my radio before Chief Pridgen grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"Let him die!"
Truck and squad came up the stairs and saw Chief Pridgen holding me and Stella back.
"Kelly he won't let us save him because he's black."
While Stella and I kept Chief Pridgen busy, the rest of truck and squad got the man.

After we got back I was called into the Chiefs office along with Stella, Casey, and Kelly.
One we all got there Chief Pridgen started yelling.
"What the hell was that back there?"
"We saved a mans life today." Kelly said
"He was black! I told you to let him die! You disobeyed a direct order!"
I spoke up.
"Why does it matter what color his skin was? He deserves to live! I'm reporting you to headquarters and to H.R. Expect your badge gone by the end of the week!"
I walked out followed by Stella, Kelly, and Casey not long after.
"I'm going to headquarters after shift. Will you guys come with me?"
"Yeah of course."

I kept my word. After shift I drove to headquarters with Kelly, Stella, and Casey.
We were waiting to speak with the commissioner.
"He will speak with you now."
"Thank you."
I smiled at the secretary before walking in.
"Hi commissioner. I'm Lieutenant Kelly Severide and this is Lieutenant Matthew Casey along with firefighters Sophia Severide and Stella Kidd."
"What are you guys here to see me about?"
"Well our battalion chief Wallace Boden is on leave and our chief filling in was sexist towards Sophia and Stella. He also told them to let a black man die in a fire. We got to him in time but he still said not too."
The commissioner looked mad
"Who is he?"
"Chief Pridgen."
"I will have his badge by the end of the week and he will lose his job in the Chicago fire department. Thank you for telling me."
"Of course commissioner thank you for taking action."
"Your welcome."
We walked out and went to Molly's. Stella and I were bar tending tonight.
I was cleaning glasses and talking to Gabby since she was off tonight.
"So how's Louie?"
"He's awesome he started calling Matt dad"
"That's great."
"So Jay thinks I have a stalker, we found cameras in my apartment that weren't there when I moved in."
"That's crazy."
"Yeah it's kinda scary thinking someone has been watching me."
"I would imagine."
"It also explains the flowers. I just want to know how long someone has been watching me."
"Well I'm sure Jay will figure it out you know he is." I smiled thinking how protective he is of me.
"Yeah your right."
I went back to work and afterwards I went home.

"Hey any new leads?" I asked walking through the door.
"Well they figured out the footprint is a size 10 so it's a man and he's kinda tall."
"Well that's something. Jay am I safe?"
"As long as your with me you will never be in danger."
We started eating dinner.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being so protective."
"Anytime Sophia. Like I said I love you."

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