Part 15: A god's regret

Start from the beginning

-What are you going to do here?

-Destroy a scroll.


-Because I used to be part of the team that Zariat led. But for some reason, nobody even remembered me. After a few centuries, I finally figured out that someone activated the scroll of forgetfulness, and wrote my name on it. Meaning nobody even remembered that I ever existed. 

-But you needed a physical form to do it?

-Yes. Oooh! Found it. Mind if I use your power for a moment?


I felt some of my power being used. Even if I couldn't see anything, I could tell that I was destroying something.

-Hey, but even if the scroll gets destroyed, nobody will remember you anyways. Since it happened a long time ago.

-No. My name was written in some ancient scrolls, but then even the people who wrote them forgot me. You see, if you write someone's name on this scroll, not only does it erase people's memory's, it also erases your name from history, including ancient books. Once I destroy the scroll of forgetfulness, my name will pop up on the ancient books again.

-How long is this going to take?

-Already done. Now no one's going to be forgotten, never again. 

-Are you done with your regret?

-Not yet. I have to find who wrote my name first.

-What is they're dead?

-It has to be a creature that's not human to write a name on the scroll of forgetfulness. It can't be dead.

-Oh! My carriage's about to arrive at the mansion soon. 


My view returned to the carriage. 

A footman opened the door.

I hopped out. 

Right on time.

A second later and they would've seen my absence and the whole dukedom would've gone crazy, due to my doting parents and Onii-sama.

Onii-sama approached me. "I heard you were invited for lunch tomorrow." 

"Erm.........That's right." I said awkwardly.

Come to think of it, why exactly did my parents even agree to making me Crown Prince's fiance? I know they would never do that for a raise in status or honor.

"Onii-sama, why did Father and Mother agree to making me his Highness's fiance?" I asked. 

"Well, you see............The King and Queen promised that once you became the Queen, you would live a life in luxury and happiness. Mother found that agreeable, and Father wanted you to have everything you want. " Onii-sama said. He had a hint of regret on his face. 

"Was Father also crying that he couldn't give me everything that I wanted, and Mother made them promise to give me everything I wanted?" I asked. My parent's patterns were very easy to predict, and they never changed.

"That's right. My little sister is such a genius that she can even tell how our parents acted like." Onii-sama looked at me proudly.

"That's because I've been living with you since I was born." I told him.

"You can always live with us forever, you know."

"Ha ha. Shall we stop joking, Onii-sama?"

"That wasn't a joke."

"I'm afraid that I shall decline."

"Well, I guess I knew that you were going to say that."

The next morning came faster than I though. 

My mood was unhappy the moment that I opened my eyes. A lunch with the Crown Prince meant the maids working on me to the very last moment, then having to sit with the very best manners. But I'm sure the food would be good.

And I was right. 

I took a bath with flower petals while the maids manicured my hand and made my hair soft and shiny. Then they spent about an hour or two picking out a dress for me. Then, they made sure to put the best out of the best makeup on me. By the time it was finished, I looked like a total different person. My maids were awesome.

I had a carriage sent to me by the royal family, telling everybody that I was the Crown Prince's fiance. Now they would think twice about going against me.

"Why, thank you for coming today, my dear fiance~. How pleased I am to hear of your arrival."

Cut the cra*p, Albert.

"Shall we take a stroll in the garden before we dine?" 

"It would be my pleasure, Your Highness."

He held out his hand, and I took it. 

The garden was beautiful. Even compared to the one my parents owned, this one was more much more dazzling.

"I see that the royal gardeners are quite skilled, Your Majesty. " I complimented.

"Why, thank you. I will pass your message to them." He smiled.

It sounds as if you're the one who's getting the compliment.

A pink flower caught my attention. 

"Your highness, is this the so rumoured Campion Flower?" I asked.

"It is, indeed. We are trying to grow them in the royal garden to keep them from going extinct."

I knew a bit about flowers in my past life. The Campion flower was extinct, but found again 2 years later. This was the flower that Albert gave to Ivy. It was a darker version of her hair, he said.

"Your majesty...........And Lady Roselyn?" A sweet voice rang in my ear.

"Lady Ivy. May I ask you what you are doing here?" Albert asked. 

Of course she was here. Baron Castria owned a office in the royal palace, and Ivy had went with her father to help him settle down. But while she went out to get a break, she got lost and found herself in the royal garden. Then she saw Albert, and had lunch with him. 

Oh, but, this time I'm the one that's getting lunch with him.

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