VIII - In Which Time Is Reasserted And Memories Are Lost

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I do not own Harry Potter.

In the doorway stood four people, all of whom were both familiar and yet... different to anyone who had met Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley.

The awkward silence that had descended among the inhabitants of 1995 - sorry, all the people who were supposed to live in 1995 - was broken by the long-bearded wizard whose blue eyes twinkled behind half-moon spectacles.

"Well," he said, "It is nice to know that my theory was correct."

"HOW COME I DIED ISH?!" yelled Harry again.

"Whoah!" said the Harry from the future, "I really was grumpy this year."

Ron and Hermione gave eachother a look that clearly said 'That is an understatement'.

"So..." said Past Ron, "That's me. And you. And Harry. And Ginny. In. The. Future. Woah."

"Well" said Future Harry, still talking to past Harry - This is weird, he thought - "I got hit by the killing curse but it killed the horcrux inside me and I saw Dumbledore in King's Cross and came back!"

Harry stared at him. "That makes no sense."

"Tell me about it."

"What's a horcrux? Why was it inside me? KING'S CROSS? I thought Dumbledore was... dead."

"Ask him!"

Everyone was talking at once, meaning no-one could understand anything anyone else was saying. It was a common occurance both at Order meetings and in the future, since Order meetings usually involved Snape and Sirius yelling at and (occasionally) hexing each other and every single other person attempting to stop them.

"SHUT UP!" yelled Future Harry who from now on shall be known as F Harry. The hubbub died down almost immediately and F Harry, F Ron, F Hermione and F Ginny were able to make themselves heard.

"It's nice to be here and see you all and everything, but if we stay for too long, I don't think we'll ever be able to leave." There was some laughter from around the room at F Ginny's statement, but it was quashed by the reminder that lots of the people in the room would die within the next half-decade.

"Weeeeeeeeell..." said James, causing all attention in the room to snap to him. He paled under the glare his mother gave him.

"My previous statement still stands." she said and James gulped and walked slowly backwards into the crowd of people.

"Right," said F Hermione, "There's a complicated ritual and we're going to need to wipe all your memories... Ron, where's the book?... Thanks... Right! Here we go. All together. Ginny draw the circle, kids get inside. Harry, Ron, you take care of the memories and then we all need to say this."

"Bye," said Lily, waving to the people in the room.

"Uh... bye people who I was named after," said Albus nervously as he stepped over the line that F Ginny had drawn.

"GOODBYE-" started James, clearly about to say something dramatic but was stopped by Teddy, who had finished his tearful conversation with his parents, grabbing him and pulling him into the circle where Lily clamped a hand over his mouth.

"Bye, everything turns out alright in the end, you win, we win, Voldemort dies, Mrs Weasley kills Bellatrix, see some of you in 2015!" said F Harry and they began to read.

"Metaveíte stin álli plevrá tis grammís pou chorízei to méllon apó to parelthón, to parelthón apó to parón, to parón apó to méllon. Párte mas ekeí, as perpatísoume gia álli mia forá tin óra pou ímastan, tin epochí pou ímastan. Afíste tis anamníseis ólon ekeínon pou mas eídan edó na lifthoún, den ímastan poté edó, poté daen írthame. Óloi aftoí se aftón ton kýklo tha epistrépsoun tóra sto étos, to étos mas, stis dýo chiliádes dekapénte ópou ímastan prin. Páme, páme píso, TORA." said those standing in the circle, though it was more of a chant, almost a song. The words were almost visible as they were spoken, and a white mist began to rise from the circle around them. It pulsed once then drew in to one point in the centre of the circle. A bright white light filled the room as a silver strand of memory was extracted from each person's head; when the light was gone, so was the circle and the people inside it. All that was left of their visit was a slight foggy sensation in everyone's brains that was quickly dismissed as they went around their daily buisness. Not even the echoes of F Ginny's yelling remained in the year that had seen the future and all went back to normal, no one knowing that their lives would be cut tragically short.



The Next Generation Travel Through TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora