II - In Which the Search is (Partially) Successful

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At the same time as Lily was falling from a burst of golden smoke, a blue-haired boy was ejected from his own golden nebula. Being Teddy, he managed to land on his feet but, being Teddy, immediately tripped and fell, hitting a long flight of stairs and sliding painfully to the bottom.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" he yelped as he bumped into each step. He finally came to rest before a pair of shoes; looking up he saw bubblegum pink hair and a cheeky grin. His heart leapt then sank far below where it was supposed to be. He gulped; he recognised this woman from pictures Uncle Harry had shown them and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

"James. Sirius. Potter. I-am-going-to-KILL-you!" he hissed, pulling himself to his feet but refusing to meet the witch's curious gaze.

"Hey, hey, hey, who are you?" asked the witch. Her wand was out and the point of it scratched his neck, confirming that this was not a dream. Teddy gulped and closed his eyes for half a second.

"Teddy," he said simply, he knew that telling her his full name would be a mistake. "Um, have you seen James and Albus and Lily? I'm supposed to be looking after them whilst Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny have Ministry buisness."

"Harry? Ginny?" said Tonks, "They're upstairs! Why'd they have anything to do with the ministry?"

Teddy sighed. "Weeell... now he wouldn't, but in my time... I guess I'd better start at the beginning. I'm from the year 2015, and-" 

But he got no further for at that moment, the door leading to the kitchen opened and three people came out: a werewolf, an Azkaban escapee and a little girl.

"TEDDY!!" screeched the girl, knocking a startled Tonks' wand aside as she flung her arms around him.

"Oh!" grinned Sirius, "So you didn't mean you wanted a teddy bear."

Remus rolled his eyes and peered at Teddy. "Are you from the future as well?"

"The FUTURE!?" said Tonks, staring. 

"Yeah," said Sirius, waving a hand offhandedly. "It's complicated."

"Is not!" squeaked Lily, still clinging to Teddy like he was a reverse-time-turner. "James broke a shiny thing and BOOM WE'RE HERE and WHERE'S JAMES SO I CAN KILL HIM!"

Teddy sighed, gently detatching her. "It's a time turner, and I've really only just got here. I have absolutely no idea where they are."

Lily pouted. "But I need to murder them!"

The adults laughed and Lily turned around. "Riiiight, this is Remus and Sirius, you two this is Teddy! Ted, who's that?"

"Lily, this is Nymphadora Tonks, who prefers to be known by her last name only."

Lily turned wide eyes on Teddy who shook his head vigorously. She sighed then turned back to the adults.

"Can we find James and Albie now!"

"I think the best thing would be to check their bedrooms, luckily they're on the first floor. If we go quickly, Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny might not ever realise we're gone! We can be back before dinner and you can murder James and we'll all be happy!"

"No chance mate." said Sirius, but followed them anyway.

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