IV - In Which Albus Severus Faces a Crazy Auror With a Mad Eye

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All in all, Albus Severus Potter was not having a very good day.

Yes he was having an adventure like one his father would have had - an adventure like one he'd always dreamed of - but this adventure was much scarier than his parents made them sound.

The worst thing about the vortex had been the sick feeling in his stomach, or maybe the fear because WHAT IS HAPPENING and WHERE AM I GOING and WHAT DID JAMES DO THIS TIME?!!

And to top it all off, a crazy wizard with a mad blue eye was pointing a wand at his neck and looking like he was about to starteither yelling at or jinxing him.

So yes, not a very good day.


"I - I don't know!" squeaked Albus, fear making his voice high-pitched.


"Albus! Albus-"


Albus was so shocked that he could only splutter for a moment.

"A - a - a - a Death E-e- Eater? B-b-"

"Alastor he's just a kid!" yelled someone from behind. A familiar face stepped into view and Albus nearly fainted with relief.

"G-g-grandma Weasley! W-w-what's going on?" he squeaked.

"What? Grandma? Who are you?"

"But Grandma Weasley, don't you..."

"I... should I know you?"

Albus' heart sank. His eyes began to fill with tears because his grandma didn't recognise him and he was stuck in the past being interrogated by a crazy wizard with a magic eye, but then...


The door was flung open and a very familiar red-head darted in, giggling "No tickles! No tickles!" she spotted Albus and her mouth fell open in an ecstatic grin. "ALBIE!" she flung herself at him, beaming. 'Alastor' pointed his wand at her but an old man, who - in Albus' point of view at least - looked like a walking skeleton, grabbed his arm and said "Hey, we trust them! They're from the future!"

"We- we're in the past?" said Albus.

"1995 little bro!" said James.

Albus sighed. "Mum and dad are going to kill you."

"We've already established that," said Lily from where she was sitting on him.

"You'll destroy the timelines."

The-man-who-had-come-in-with-Lily-and-who-looked-kind-of-like-a-walking-skeleton shrugged. "You can obliviate us."

"Would-would it be a good idea to get... Dumbledore." Albus said the last word as a half-whisper, wracking his brains: was the headmaster, his namesake, the greatest wizard ever to attend Hogwarts, alive in this time period or had he already fallen from the top of the highest tower, stuck down by Albus' other namesake? Albus had very morbid thoughts sometimes.

Alastor glared at them, a suspicious glint in his normal eye, but turned on his wooden leg and stomped unevenly down the corridor.

There was a long and awkward silence, as all four children contemplated just how thoroughly Harry and Ginny - though mostly Ginny - were going to kill them. After a long, long, long, long, long, long, long silence, lopsided footsteps came back towards them from the doorway and the grumpy scar-faced man stomped back in.

"Who exactly are you?" he grumbled.

"Uh uh," interrupted walking skeleton man, "maybe everyone should hear this. C'mon!"

He was obviously completely over-excited by this. Lily tugged Albus to his feet and pulled him after walking skeleton man. Teddy sighed and followed them, dragging James by the wrist. They reached the doorway and walking skeleton man jumped in yelling "We have VISITORS!"

Teddy and Remus gave identical eye rolls and Lily sighed. "He's just like you James."

"Really?" said a bored voice from inside. "Bring them in."

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