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         As Wizards, I believe we have to accept, that by bringing Magick back to the world of man, we are not just bringing back the faeries, charms, and love spells; we also have brought back the rest of it. The stuff that makes the mundanes huddle around their campfires and behind their walls and demand that we do something about it. Not to be paranoid, but I feel we have to accept the possibility of that there may be more to this than mundane greed and indifference.
       We can no longer close this box; anymore than Pandora could hers.
      In my humble opinion, It would do us good to be open to the possibilities that there may very well be droves of "others" who are not of the same altruistic mindset and  these folks could further be not interested in peace and freedom, but power and control. According to many legends, after the last great cataclysm groups of survivors described as wizards,and those people brought with them the knowledge of astronomy, medicine, agriculture, and building. Unfortunately like the Aes Sedai from the Age of Legends in Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time, these survivors eventually died off taking their preflood knowledge with them. Of the things that were passed on, was a knowledge of the living reality that we exist in. This knowledge instead of being taught to all was most likely hoarded by the greedy and power hungry (see What Roman Emperor Tiberius did to this guy who invented a new type of metal that would change the world) and when they died off loads and loads more was lost. What once may very well have been technology to the pre-cataclysm people became Magick and rumor to the post cataclysmic world. I could write an entire book on the stuff I have speculated over the years as to how we got in our current fix, but my point is that if you are here reading this, you are the modern inheritors of that Magick and by going down this path you are not signing up for a war and the sides are usually pretty grey out here in the middle; but by taking your willing or unwilling inheritance you also mark yourself for taking responsibility whether you like it or not. Magick has a will, and it doesn't take sides. Even if you are at this an complete atheist, you will draw the attention of non-human entities and you will because of your nature be forced to take ethical and moral responsibility for your actions and serve the people. You don't have to be Ed and Lorraine Warren, but help the folk who choose not to learn the arts and walk a different path.
Seek the Truth,
Defend the Weak,
Follow Your Heart,
Defend Peace and Freedom; 
Become a wellspring of Knowledge and share it with your people 

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