It felt just the same as when I feel when I ride my motorcycle.

I felt free and wild but this felt that it had a pinch of warmth and honey if that make sense?

That or rides like these just always calm me down from the storm up ahead.

When we finally get to the elementary school it was half empty and I get off taking the helmet off to look around for Bonnie.

When I spot her she seems to be sitting down in a bench while a little boy talks to her.

As I get near Bonnie she met my eyes and basically jumped out of her seat to greet me.

"Hey how was your day?" I ask as she waves goodbye to the little boy and she starts talking about what she did today.

I see Hayden leaning on his motorcycle in the same spot I left him at and when I was going to ask what he was still doing here but then in remembered that I'm still holding onto his extra helmet.

"Thank you for the ride" I say handing his helmet back.

"And for the pickles and child trauma" Bonnie adds in making me cringe about what happen the other night.

Does she have a mute button because that would really be helpful right about now.

"Again, I am so sorry about-"

"You are welcome for the pickles and I am sorry about what you witnessed yesterday, you little rascal" Hayden says messing around her hair.

"My name is not little rascal it's Bonnie and You have a nice ride" Bonnie says looking at the motorcycle.

I completely forgot about her short attention spasm.

"I would let you ride around with me but It's not a ride for little kids" Hayden says and Bonnie sighs as she looks down at the ground.

"Thank you again for the ride. I'll see you around" I say about to walk away.

"Are you sure you guys are fine by yourselves?" Hayden ask and I just raise my hand and give him a thumbs up as I continue walking away.

"Thanks again!" I shout taking one last glance at him.

"Ice cream?" Bonnie ask taking my hand in hers.

"Ice cream" I say nodding my head.

After we had gotten ice cream we went back to my apartment and by that time she had already began to feel tired so she went ahead to her room to take a nap.

I just began to make some food for when she wakes up.

It wasn't until ny business phone rang that my whole mood dropped.

Here I thought I was going to have the night off so I can sleep in.

"Hello?" I say in a a slight high pitch.

"It's Ace" I hear Ace say making me sigh in relive.

"What's up?" I ask but I'm met with silence.

"How is everything?" Ace ask and I look over at Bonnies door.

"She just took a nap 20 minutes ago." I say.

"Oh okay. I'm going to have to call you back later so get your rest" Ace says before hanging up.

Turns out I'm not getting a good night sleep again.

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