GenY Perhaps Love 03

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GenY Perhaps Love 03

Although Kit already has a dinner.... and it was too late to eat something more. But Mark didn't give up. He tried to find a million reasons to accompany Kit to eat some noodles... Kit came with him because he wanted to stop being annoyed, not a request from someone.

"Don't you eat something? ....Don't worry about being fat. I think the puff cheeks would be cute.

"I'm not hungry... let's eat and get back. I've a class tomorrow." Kit was stirring the straw in the glass to solve the boring. Mark rested his chin on the hand and looked at the man who told him he was fine. But Kit seemed a little too cold, so Mark had to find a way to make up with him.

"It was really an accident today. I didn't mean to stand you up."

"Did you have fun with the girls at communication arts? Kit looked into another's eyes. He asked with monotone but emotionless. Mark blinked his eyes... the news in the college spread so fast. Mark smiled softly. He didn't answer Kit but asked him a question instead.

"Then did you enjoy eating with Thanu?"

Kit stopped stirring the straw in his hand... he looked at Mark who kept a straight face... why it became Kit's turn to answer? .... Would Mark listen to an excuse to make him understand that Thanu was just a senior? ...Dream on!

"Actually you're mad at me because of this... it's nothing. Jew just needed me to help the girls in communication arts to be made up. I didn't go to flirt with someone... You're the only one for me.

"....Don't say much. I don't wanna know." Kit wanted to hit his mouth. He shouldn't make a slip first... it was just about flirting with girls... and then Kit had to up the game with an evil face and stared at Mark to stop the next question. He didn't think Mark would be onto him.

"Just accept you're jealous of me... because I'm!"

"What the fuck am I jealous of? We're not anything." Kit denied it right away. He just didn't like it.... more than that. The more meaning of dislike was about.... Jealousy!

When Mark captured some feeling of the stubborn man, it was hard to go over his head.

"If you want to date with me, you can tell me anytime. I'm ready." The handsome face with a little smile as always ... Although Kit wanted to avoid making eye contact with the man who was staring his face. He tried to sublimate and stared back at Mark. His face looked undisturbed but the heart was beating more and more that the boy would catch him.

"Stop that bullshit... hurry up. Just eat." If asked too much, Kit would cover himself by flipping the table over definitely.

Kit hadn't talked to him till they went back to the car together but Mark was still in the car and didn't go anywhere.

"....If you don't go... I'll." Kit looked like going to open the door.

"Hey! Wait... you haven't answered me yet... I've asked you many times... and you always avoid to answer it."

"You ask me a hundred question per day. Who will remember it?" Kit argued with him unreasonably. He knew well what the question.... Kit meant to avoid it and changed the subject every time as he was blamed. Then what? What Mark could do with him!?

"I know you can remember it.... You know? If you decide now, I'll give you the promotion for free to the rest of your life without any condition." Mark promoted himself first. Let's see that he could close the deal or not. Would Kit date with him!?

"I don't care." Kit answered in the short-form.

"Really?... "Would you be a little bit softer? ... I have a lot of offers. What do you want? If you ask for something, I can give you all."

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