ExR, R has a party (dad!vert)

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A/N: dad!vert again! Basically, Grantaire throws a party, and well...
1600 words

"Papa, can I have a party at our house Saturday?"
"Who will come?" It was sunny outside, that's why Grantaire was planning it on Saturday, so they could go outside.

"Just my friends...."
"That Montparnasse guy?"
"I do not like him" Javert said, alread knew he was lost anyway. He was bad at saying no to his son, especially if he did nothing wrong with it. Was a something against the law? No, so it would probably happen, even if Javert didn't want to.
"I know papa, please?"
"How about Valjea- Enjolras?"
It was six months after Enjolras had started dating Grantaire, and Javert had told his son the story of Valjean firmly, and Grantaire decided to just ignore it.

"Is he planning a protest?"
"Papa! I've been dating the guy for months!"
"I still do not trust him, or his father for a matter"
"He's twinsister will be there, she's very nice!"
"How many people will come?"
"About... Between... 15 and 20?"
"No underage drinking! You know the rules, 16+ get light drinks, only 18+ get drinks with a lot of alcohol, under 16 nothing!" Grantaire was 17, he had been drunk a lot, but his father didn't need to know that.
"You're the best papa!" He yelled and hugged him.

He sent texts to everyone right away.

To: Courfff, Jehan, Enjyy, Ferre, L'aigle, Joly, Chetta, Ponine, Feuilly, Bahorrrel, Marius, Gavr, Parnasse, Cosette, Zelma
Party at my house, Saturday night!
~ R

He got some replies right away

From: Chetta
Me and ma boys will be there!
XOXO Chetta

From: Jehan
I'll be there, honey! Courf will be too, you know how much he likes parties!
Love, Jehan

From: Feuilly
Count me in! Bahorel can only come, but only if he eats all his vegetables next dinner ;)

From: Bahorel
You can count on me. Ignore that ginger fucker!

Looks like some guys were having a datenight.

Ping, another one.

From: Ponine
Zelma and Gavroche can't come, they have to help my dad with something, but me and Parnasse will be there!
- Ep

It wasn't like Ponine and Montparnasse were a couple, but they saw eachother more than often, and they had been a couple in the past, but Eponine had something for a a bit taller guy with light brown hair and big glasses (because he really REALLY needed them, A LOT, like once Courfeyrac took his glasses and he waked into a door after only a few seconds, and the door wasn't even glass or something)
Also, Eponine had told him a lot of times to call her Ep, but Grantaire liked Ponine way way better, and he was gonna keep calling her that.

From: Cosette
Me and Marius'll be there! Can you please tell him your dad is not gonna kill him? He's pretty scared of him...
Love Cosette

Ah yes, Marius, of course he was scared of Javert, all of Grantaire's friends had been scared of his dad at a certain point in their lives, most of them still were, but well, Javert was the most strikt policeman in town, and his friends and the police weren't exactly the greatest match.

To: Cosette
Ah, who isn't? But I can asure you, my dad will not kill Marius, if he is gonna kill someone, it'll probably be either your dad or your brother ;)
~ R

Grantaire didn't know if Cosette knew the Javert-Valjean story, but he decided to sent it anyway.
Only 20 minutes later, he finally got a reply from Enjolras, who was in class before.

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