07. Traditions of the New and Old Pt. 2

Começar do início

“It’s expected, especially knowing my family.”


The ceremony was beginning. Toasts were being announced and men around the table drank for each one. They toasted and drank to the most simplest things, yet somehow important to remember in times of family events. The representatives from across the tables have their chats to show how humble everybody is in this happy event. Thanking each other and their families for having the event in the first place.

Finally a part of the wedding ceremony I remembered clearly, as I had seen three of my brother-in-laws do them in previous weddings I had to sit through, was going to commence. It was time for Bee and his cousin, Matt, to do their bows. Bowing to show respect to all the family members on my side of the family.

There was a mat set up in the room. I watched from where I was, and as I had thought it funny for all the previous weddings, I could not help but hope he did twice as much.

An elder read off a list of who they were to bow to, and at every mention of a different name Bee and his cousin got down on her knees bending all the way over to glance the ground. The event went on for a while and surprisingly Bee and his cousin showed no sign of fatigue.

Finally, the elder got to the last name, and they took their last bow. Another part of the ceremony takes place, and there is more drinking. I shook my head at the thought of them drinking, but didn’t say anything as it was part of our tradition.

The representatives were allowing elders to come and lecture. Lectures went out to the parents, to me, and to Bee.

Family members of all age come to lecture us. My uncles and aunts come and talk to me and Chia. I see my siblings, and cousins line up to have their conversations with Bee. This was the part that annoyed me the most. The sharing of drinks were supposed to show respect and tying the knot as family members, but the only person to get drunk in the two way deal was Bee’s end of the bargain.

On our wedding day I was going to witness Bee get drunk for the first time. He was allowed to give his drink to his cousin, Matt, but out of respect he drank everyone that was given to him.

Unless the elder said to stop, there was no stopping to the line. After my siblings were done talking to Bee, they went on to talk and share a drink with all of Bee’s brothers, who had come, as well.

When Bee took his last shot, the elders finally stepped in and said for the family to stop. Again I was shaking my head in the ceremonies rules. Bee stayed quiet and Matt was helping to hold him right up. Even if it was just shots of beer, the crazy short amount of time he took it all in was sure to affect him.

We were finally getting down to the last steps in the procedures. We had the car packed up already before hand. While there was a lull earlier, I had gone through most of my things and packed what I thought I would be needing. A lot of my things were going to be packed for storage, as I did not have room in Bee’s room to keep it all.

Wedding presents were stuffed into cars, Things we would need were all stored away.

The last few things consisted of more bowing, and finally Bee had to receive a blanket for protection on the way back home, from my cousins from my mother’s side of the family. I wondered if they would make it easy on him or would they make him suffer a bit longer.

My cousin, playful as he was, decided to play games. He would take a step back for every step forward that Bee took. He had a smirk on, as he watched a drunk Bee come at him. Everyone watching chuckled and laughed at the scene.

“I will allow you this blanket, and only if, when you promise me one thing.”

“What is it?” Bee slurred out.

The Unwanted Promise (New Cover, Same Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora