Two More than Expected

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Wow, look at me go. Two chapters in a day when I literally said I might be posting once every two weeks. 

This posting schedule is going to be all over the place. I am so sorry. 

Anyways...enjoy! :) 


Adrien Agreste... 

For years Marinette had the worst crush on him, and nearly twelve months ago, she had finally given up on her pursuit. She realized that he saw her as no more but a friend, someone who he loved but would never be in love with. 

But Marinette was, strangely, alright with it. She finally let Chat Noir, her superhero partner of three years, sweep her off her feet. Their relationship wasn't perfect. With Hawkmoth, the terrorizer of Paris still undefeated, Ladybug could never have the relationship she wanted with her Kitty Cat. But they loved each other, and that was all that mattered. 

Marinette had continued her friendship with Adrien, and their relationship had blossomed into one of mutual trust and care. She didn't want it any other way, and yet as their eyes locked and Marinette backed up several steps in surprise, she suddenly remembered why she fell in love with him all those years ago in the first place. 

"S-sorry," she stammered, her hand already in the doorknob. "Must've gone into the wrong apartment." Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette caught Adrien flashing Alya a look of pure confusion, to which Alya only responded to with an amused smile.

"Marinette, girl," Alya took her arm. "How can you even be in the wrong apartment? Your key unlocked the door! I was going to tell you, but you didn't answer your phone. There's been a last-minute change of plans. Adrien and Nino are living with us this year." 

As if on cue, Nino Lahiffe, Alya's boyfriend, appeared behind Adrien. "What's up, Marinette?" He tipped his iconic red cap in greeting. 


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"Hey Nino," Marinette mumbled, her heart still racing a mile a minute. All her expectations of the year came crashing down. Suddenly, there were two more than expected living in the apartment. It wasn't like Marinette was upset. She was more than happy to share with Nino and Adrien, who were two of her best friends. She was just...shocked and a little jarred by the sudden revelation. 

"Well," Adrien shifted from feet to feet uneasily as Nino pushed past him to kiss Alya. "Nino and I already went grocery shopping. We'll cook, and Alya help Marinette settle in?" 

"Sure," Alya said, flashing the boys a smile. "Come on, Marinette, your stuff is in your room." Marinette followed her down the hallway next to the kitchen. 

Behind her, she could hear Nino snorting to Adrien. "'We'll cook?'" He quoted. "More like I'll cook and you stand and watch." 

Marinette could almost imagine the blush that would've been blossoming over Adrien's cheeks as he stuttered to defend himself. The last thing she caught before she and Alya entered her room was Nino clapping Adrien on the back. "Don't worry about it, my dude! Never too late to learn!" 

Alya rolled her eyes at Marinette. "Boys," she grinned.

"Boys," Marinette agreed. 

The room was bare and quite small but not too different compared to her place back at home. To Marinette's delight, there was a window that gave her the same, albeit smaller, view of Paris as the window in the living room had. Her bed was already set up in the left corner of the room. A wooden desk stood against the left wall to the door. A dresser had been placed on the right wall, and Marinette looked around in amazement. 

"When did you get all of this done?" She marvelled. 

"Nino and Adrien helped set it up while I waited for you," Alya teased.

"Oh," Marinette made a mental note to thank them over dinner. "I just have to make the bed and put my clothes away then."

"You haven't seen the best part," Alya said excitedly. She led Marinette to the corner of the room behind the dresser where a door stood, one that Marinette hadn't even noticed. Alya flung the door open to reveal a bathroom. "It's connected to my room!" Alya smiled. "That way, we don't have to share with the boys." 

Marinette laughed, "A relief that would be indeed. How long have you known that Nino and Adrien would be living with us?" 

Alya smiled sheepishly. "About a week actually, I kept forgetting to tell you. Adrien was supposed to live at home, you know, like before," she wrinkled her nose. "But somehow he managed to convince his dad to let him live with us, and he told Nino who told me, and we made plans." 

"And Nino didn't bother to tell me a week ago?" Marinette rolled her eyes. 

"Oh c'mon," Alya looped her arm in Marinette's. "Besides, you're living with Adrien now!" She used the same sing-song voice she always used when she was teasing Marinette about her crush.

Marinette groaned and covered her face with her hands. "I told you!" She protested, "I don't like him anymore! I'm over him!" 

"No, you're not," Alya snorted. "I'm not stupid. The way you stumbled when you saw him, you looked like someone slapped you!" 

"I was shocked!" Marinette defended. "I didn't know he was here, and I had no warning!" 

"Yeah, right," Alya snickered. "Let me know when you're getting your eyes cleaned. Maybe have your brain done while you're at it." 

Marinette rolled her eyes at Alya once more, but she couldn't truly be mad. She could never be angry at her best friend who had been there for her and put up with all her bullshit excuses for always leaving for so long. Marinette knew that Alya would stop the teasing if she knew that Marinette had a boyfriend, but there was no way to open that can of worms without making it complicated. For now, Marinette would just have to deal with it. 

I can't be in love with Adrien, Marinette thought stubbornly as she put her clothes away. I love Chat. 

Yes. That was right. Alya was definitely wrong. Marinette couldn't be in love with Adrien when she was with Chat Noir. 

Alya was definitely wrong. 


I was talking to my friend about this fanfic and honestly the roomate au is so cliché so I hope the writing quality makes up for it XD 

QOTD/QOTN (do people even do these anymore? Idk maybe I'm just super lame): 

favourite Miraculous character? 

Mine's Luka. He's literally just the sweetest smolest baby in the world, how could you not love him? I would literally marry Luka if I could 😶🤭

Have a good day/night :) <3 

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