A Surprise Visitor

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Two chapters a day! This posting schedule really do be all over the place though. 

A little Marichat for all you Marichat lovers :)



It was nearly midnight and Marinette's face still flamed. Alya had grilled her on all the details, only giving up after two hours of interrogation. Marinette's hand drifted to her cheek where Luka had kissed her, a tingling in her stomach that made her feel like a traitor to her and Chat's love. 

It's barely been a day, she reprimanded herself, and you're already getting butterflies thinking about someone else? You shouldn't even be thinking about anyone else! 

"I don't know what to do, Tikki!" Marinette wailed, stopping her sewing. She had assumed that working on her designs would calm her down. She assumed wrong.

"Go with your heart, Marinette," the kwami advised.

Most of the time, Marinette really appreciated Tikki's advice but that was not one of them. "That's probably the worst recommendation you've ever given me," Marinette grumbled. "I don't know what my heart wants! I still love Chat, I know I do but then there's Luka and he's so sweet and there's also...Adrien." 

Oh why oh why did this keep happening? Marinette could've sworn that she had gotten over Adrien but just the thought of his smile and his sunshine hair was enough to send her squealing like a little girl again. She was eighteen for crying out loud, no longer the little thirteen-year-old who squeaked whenever Adrien Agreste just breathed in her general direction.

There was a light knock on her window and Marinette froze. Turning around slowly, she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized who was on the balcony.

Chat Noir knocked on the glass again smiling rather sheepishly.

Oh no no no, panic swelled in Marinette's chest and threatened to cave in her ribs. 


The universe truly had nothing better to do than to mess with her. But still, Marinette couldn't bring herself to deny her Chat, so she opened the window and let him in.

"Thanks Purr-incess," Chat said, vaulted in, shivering. "It is paw-ty cold outside. I wasn't even sure if you were still up." 

Marinette sat on her bed, so many emotions crashed onto her at the same time she didn't even know what she was feeling. Her breaths quickened. Chat was in her room. The same Chat she had tried not to think about all day. He was so close all she had to do was reach up and she could thread her fingers through that golden hair once more. 

"Are you alright Marinette?" Chat gave her a quizzical look and knelt in front of her.

Stay away, Marinette thought desperately, staring at the superhero in front of her. But he was so much more to her than a superhero. He was her love, her partner, her best friend, and he was forbidden to her so that they could keep each other safe. 

"Princess?" Chat put a hand on her knee and the resulting shock snapped Marinette out of her stupor.

"I'm alright!" She exclaimed. "But what are you doing here Chat, it's nearly midnight!" Chat Noir's ears flattened against his head and Marinette fought the urge to stroke them. That was Ladybug's habit, not Marinette's 

"I wanted to talk to someone," he whispered, "and I trust no one more to talk to than you." 

"Wh-what's wrong?" Marinette asked tentatively, although she had a very good idea of what he was about to say. 

Please, she pleaded silently, please don't say it. 

"I..." Chat Noir looked away, but it didn't hide the heartbreak in his eyes.

Marinette's heart lurched. During the day, it wasn't exactly easy to tell herself that Chat Noir would be okay after the breakup, but it wasn't nearly as difficult to convince herself. Now, with the grief written so plainly on his face right in front of her, it was impossible. Marinette's resolve trembled, every square inch of her wanting to throw her arms around him, tell him she was Ladybug, tell him how much he meant to her and to kiss him senseless. 

Instead, she patted her bed stiffly. "It's okay," she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking. "You can tell me. Sit down." 

Chat Noir glanced at the bed and sat next to Marinette. He was so close it was as if every atom in her body was on fire. If Chat noticed how she was reacting, he gave no sign.

After a couple of moments, he gave a heavy sigh. "Ladybug broke up with me," his voice trembled. "And I—and I think it was my fault." 

Marinette's eyebrows pinched. No, she wanted to scream. It wasn't your fault, none of it was your fault. How could you think that? 

Instead, she whispered, "Why do you think that?" 

"I kept pressing her to tell me more about herself," Chat lay down on the bed, his emerald eyes blinking in the darkness. "And she said that we can't do this anymore, and that we had to break up to keep each other safe. I mean, I understand why she did it but I can't stop wondering, would we still be together if I hadn't asked her that night?"

Marinette was silent for a moment. "She had her reasons," she said softly. "And if it's to keep you and herself safe, it would've happened sooner or later. It's not your fault." 

Chat sighed heavily through his nose. "It's like you're saying that it was doomed from the start," he murmured sadly.

"No!" Marinette gasped. "I'm not saying that at all! It's just, with Hawkmoth going around, it was inevitable, right?" 

"I suppose so," Chat said, his voice still dripping with melancholy. "I just can't believe that it was over. The last year with her was the happiest of my life, seeing her every week was the biggest highlight. We worked more in sync this past year than all the years before. Now...what will our relationship even be like?" 

With her heart lurching painfully in her chest, Marinette patted Chat's hand. "It'll work out," she said, trying to assure him. I hope. 

Chat sat up on the bed and Marinette's breath caught in her throat. Their faces were so close their noses were nearly touching, his vivid forest-green eyes searched her face. Minutes ticked by on the clock, and Marinette sat there, frozen, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

He was so close she could feel the heat of his body, smell his scent. She tried to calm her racing mind, paralyzed as Chat's hand gently cupped her face, unable to move even when his lips softly met hers. 


Does this count as a cliffhanger? :P 

I just started watching Game of Thrones again and the plot in the show moves so much faster than the books omg.

I have to go workout but I just want to keep living that couch potato life. 

See ya'll tomorrow! :) <3

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