The (Unfortunately) Favorite Gift

Start from the beginning

"Maybe next year we should just get her boxes wrapped in paper," He said to Hermione with a grin. "That's what she's most excited about; tearing into the paper."

"Much cheaper as well," Hermione laughed. "She'll play with them all though; she likes to cycle through her toys and play with all of them on different days."

As Aurelia looked at the pile of toys in front of her and looked back up at her parents, she immediately picked herself up and went to go choose from the pile. Hermione laughed and reached down to pick up the remaining scraps of paper from the last gift.

"Alright, I think that's all of them!" She said, smiling at the group. "Thank you all so much for the gifts! She clearly loves them!"

There was a round of laughter as she knocked through the entire pile and babbled to anyone who would listen with a few comprehensible words here and there. Pansy, Luna, and Ginny immediately went to sit on the floor and play with her, but Harry cleared his throat and stood up.

"Actually, 'Mione, we have one more present," He said, gesturing between himself and Ron.

"Yeah, we'll be right back," Ron said, trying to hide a grin as the two of them left the living room.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at their backs and looked to Ginny and Pansy, who both shrugged innocently. 

"I think I left something in the kitchen, I'll be right back," Draco said, giving Hermione a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

The three women were all happily cooing and talking to Aurelia, who was giggling and trying to talk back to them. Hermione was smiling widely as she sat down, but the sound of movement behind her caught her attention and she turned around to see Harry and Ron return.

"Did you wrap it in your invisibility cloak?" She asked with a laugh, watching as they came into the middle of the room with large grins on their faces.

"Yes, because I wanted to see your reactions and I couldn't think of a better way to hide what it was," Harry said, putting a hand on top of whatever it was that Hermione couldn't see. "Where's Draco?"

"Draco's here now." The blond in question walked back into the living room, giving the other two inquisitive looks. "I thought you had a present for her?"

"We do," Ron grinned before looking at Harry. "Ready?"

Harry nodded and pulled an invisible string, letting the cloak fall to the floor. Hermione immediately burst into laughter along with the others, but Draco stared in horror at the new toy for his daughter.

 Hermione immediately burst into laughter along with the others, but Draco stared in horror at the new toy for his daughter

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"Not the bloody chicken?!" Draco groaned, leaning his head back onto the couch.

Harry and Ron were falling into each other, holding their stomachs from laughing so hard. Blaise was laying down on his side, wiping tears from his eyes. Hermione wiped away tears of her own, leaning against Draco as she took deep breaths.

"Oh lord, how on earth did you two find this?" Hermione asked between breaths.

"We had it custom-made," Harry said, taking off his glasses to wipe his eyes. "Oh Merlin, his face!"

"That was worth every galleon!" Ron wheezed, having to sit on the floor to catch his breath.

Draco scowled at everyone but jumped when Pansy smacked his leg and managed to force out between laughs, "Just wait 'til your parents see this!"

Another bout of crying laughter ensued with Hermione now holding her hands over her face to cover her laughter at the thought of her in-laws' reactions to the new toy. 

"I will not have that toy in my house," Draco said sternly, standing up and glaring at Harry and Ron.

"Better hurry then, mate," Blaise wheezed again pointing a shaking hand towards the rocking chair. "Because your daughter is currently making a beeline for it!"

Draco looked down with wide eyes to see that she was indeed making her way towards the hippogriff with a determined look in her eyes. He immediately dropped down next to the rocking chair, trying to nudge his way between it and his daughter.

"Darling, you don't want this," He said quickly, shaking his head while looking Aurelia in the eyes.

"Oh, I dare you to try and take that away from her," Hermione muttered under her breath before taking a drink of her water.

He shot his wife a glance and she simply smiled in return before he looked back at Aurelia. She had pulled herself up onto her feet and reached out for the rocking chair, grabbing on to it and then looking back at Draco.

With a determined look in her eyes, she straightened up and looked Draco in the eye before saying in the most clear I-mean-business voice: "My chicken."

Draco's shoulders dropped in defeat as a round of snickers made its way through the group, with Hermione's mouth forming a thin line as she tried to hold back laughter.

"Yes dear, that's your chicken," Draco said sadly, helping her onto the rocking chair while glaring at Ron and Harry. "You two just wait until I have to get presents for your children."

"Looking forward to it," Harry said triumphantly, giving Ron a high-five.

Hermione shook her head, laughing as she said, "I swear, the three of you..."

"So does this mean that her next birthday party will be all hippogriff themed?" Ginny asked with a sly grin.

There was a loud groan from Draco that made everyone laughed again, and Aurelia happily squealed as she rocked back and forth on her hippogriff rocking chair.

A/D: This one-shot is dedicated to my grandmother and also my mom; thank you for giving me the ability to write and thank you for cheering me on :) I love you <3

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