Chapter 26(I miss her)

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Roman got the call about a two vehicle accident and radioed in that he would be responding. When he got there, he frowned as he noticed the SUV looked like Sasha's. As he approached the vehicle, he saw a man with the door open talking to a woman.

"Sasha?" He asked as he quickly grabbed his radio. "We have a pregnant woman involved. 9 months. Where is that ambulance?" He reached in when he saw that Sasha wasn't responsive. He quickly checked her, seeing a piece of metal stuck in her leg and several gashes on her face and neck from broken glass. When the ambulance finally showed up, they worked quickly and carefully to free Sasha to take her to the hospital. Roman took a deep breath before hopping in his car and racing toward Bayley's house, knowing that if he just called her Bayley wouldn't be able to handle the drive herself. Once there, he kept his lights flashing as he rushed up to the front door and pounded on it.

Bayley was completely asleep. She was surprised that she was able to fall asleep so soundly. She groaned and jumped when she heard the pounding on the door. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She heard the pounding again. "I'm coming." She groaned as she slowly walked over to the door.

As she opened it Bayley spoke, "I knew you would come really need to start remembering your keys." But when she looked up she saw flashing lights and Roman standing in the doorway. "Roman?" She said with hesitance in her voice as she quickly started to put her work boots back on. She was still in her uniform. "Why are you here? What happened?" Bayley asked as she grabbed her jacket to put it on.

Roman sighed softly as he waited. Since Sasha was by herself, he figured that Bayley would be home. "You need to come with me." He stated firmly to his friend as he looked Bayley in the eye. He saw how she didn't hesitate in putting her boots and jacket back on. "It's Sasha... It wasn't her fault. People at the scene said it was the truck that was flying and slid through the red light..." Roman got himself to stop rambling to back up a little bit. "Sasha was in a wreck...she's being taken to the hospital now. I knew you wouldn't be able to drive on your own so I came to get you."

Bayley zipped up her jacket before tying her boots. She stood straight up hearing Roman's words. "What?!" She said panicking. "Is she okay?! She just left like...less than an hour ago." Bayley said as she ran to the counter to grab her keys. "Is she okay? Did you talk to her?" Bayley asked, still freaking out. She was too scared to cry.

Roman followed Bayley out to the car. "She wasn't conscious when I was there. I didn't leave until the paramedics got her out and on the way to the hospital. She got hit on her side, Bayley." He stated solemnly to his partner as he flipped the sirens as he got in, waiting for Bayley to follow.

Sasha just got in a car accident... and the baby, "Oh my god, the baby. Is the baby okay?" Bayley asked before setting the alarm and shutting the door and locking it before getting in the patrol car.

"I don't know about the baby..." Roman silently reached out to take Bayley's hand. Sasha was due in just a week and he knew how excited Bayley had been about it. His best friend had been so excited since finding out. "They should already be at the hospital now working on them."

Bayley sighed at Roman's words. She knew that wasn't good. She had been working as a police officer long enough to know. Bayley looked out the window when she felt Roman grab her hand as she stared off. She felt that it was her fault. If she was honest with Sasha none of this would have happened. "This is my fault. God, I'm such a fucking idiot." She said as she wiped a tear from her face. "I need to see her. I need to know that she's okay." She said in a rushed tone. "Please, Roman."

Roman shook his head at Bayley. "How is this your fault? She was out, driving...yeah she shouldn't have been, but everybody that saw it said she had the green light. It wasn't her fault. It was the man's fault for driving that fast on snow covered roads." He pulled up in front of the hospital emergency room, leaving the cruiser just out of the way of the fire lane as he looked at his best friend.

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