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"Oh no, not again!" Santa cried out.

There has to be some big problem every year right before it's time to deliver presents. And that problem always almost makes Santa cancel Christmas. This year someone turned all the reindeer, snowman and elves evil, and now the children are being attacked by them!

"Save the children!" Santa shouted as a present bomb flew past him. A very faint hum proved to Santa that his reinforcements were coming. He's only had to call on them a couple times in the past so they were always new kids. Normally Santa could handle the problem by himself but not this year.

Two kids jumped out of the moving helicopter tied to a red and green parachute. One of the kids had a candy came gun and started shooting rapidly. The other kid had two candy came guns and looked ready to start shorting was she was one the ground. Two girls then somersaulted out of the helicopter without parachutes. One girl landed on top of a massive snowman, and started melting him with what looked to be a blow dyer. The other girl was firmly grasping a flamethrower and started to melt the other snowman.

"There's always 5 reinforcements. Where's the other kid?" Just as Santa whispered that question to himself, he saw the last reinforcement. It looked to be the oldest but yet not as trained as the other girls. He was dangling to the bottom on the sleigh that the evil elves stole from Santa.

But Santa's focus soon turned to the girl with the flamethrower who was about to reach the ground. Before Santa could yell out anything, the girl did another somersault and landed on her two feet on the crunchy white snow. She went running into the battle with the flamethrower and started melting the snowman right away. In a matter of minutes, all the snowman were melted, and the elves and reindeer were dazed and confused.

"There you are Santa," the girl with the two candy cane guns said.

"All the snowman are melted," the girl with the flamethrower and hairdryer said in unison.

"And the elves and reindeer are stunned but won't remember a thing. We suggest that they get a good night's sleep before working in the morning," the girl with one candy cane said.

"How can I ever thank you guys?" Santa sincerely asked.

"It was nothing. All in a day's work," the flamethrower girl responded.

"I have something to ask of you," a strange voice said from above them, "can you help me get down?" It was the boy who was hanging on to the sleigh that was still in the air.

"I can help with that," Santa replied and snapped his fingers. The sleigh magically floated down to the ground without harming the boy at all.

Saving ChristmasOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant