The sunset figure

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It was just another day at the annoyingly silent lanes of the Chi islands. Leaves rustled on the streets, with the wind gushing without any obstruction. The trees swished as if dancing in the tune of silence and the sun was about to leave the horizon.

The Chi islands was a pretty small place and almost everyone knew everybody. People were quite friendly and enjoyed their peaceful lives without disruptions. There were beautiful gardens in front of everyone's house. They were not quite interested in the rest of the world, they liked living their happy little comfortable lives!

I sighed with relief, after all it was Sunday tomorrow! I was looking forward to a relaxing evening.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Rye Parker. Just another normal 16 year old teenager whose life is wrapped up with assignments, exams and lots of work and not to mention my favourites and amazing group of friends. I live with my mother and sister, my father works in the foreign land and is only able to come once a year, so I rarely see him but nevertheless we sure have cherished memories of my childhood.

Currently I was working as a volunteer in a company for the summer. I was usually one of the last ones to leave as I had to help them wind up everything. As soon as I stepped out of my eerily silent workplace, my heart stopped. There was a boy with astonishingly bright hair standing at the end of the street, as if melting away with the last blazing view of the sun that day. My mind started racing at the speed of light probably, thinking out who the boy might be because surprisingly I didn't know him.......

He started walking with light footed steps, with a blank look in his face towards me. He stopped and so did my eyes on him. He was indeed a sight to see – with a chiselled face, bright toned skin and electric blue eyes that made him seem to sparkle. He muttered in a raspy voice, "You are THE one." And within a blink of an eye, he was gone and I stood gaping at nothing.

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