[M/N] shoulders shake for a moment before opening his eyes and stared down at the PAK, Zim's PAK. The one he was given, defective DNA or not, it was his. Another tear falls and it lands on the PAK's dull pink part but then, it flashes pink for a moment and [M/N]'s eyes widen a tiny bit. He would've thought Red would destroy the PAK the second he yanked it off but it flashes pink once more when [M/N]'s green claw finger grazed it and it warms underneath his touch. Zim's PAK was still working, breathing, alive, living, everything that assiocated with life? Zim's PAK was thriving with in it.

" Hi! I love you!"

Zim's voice echoed into his mind, his antennas coming straight, flickering a bit as if Zim's voice really just told him that. Those were the first words that Zim had told [M/N], the minute he was born, he told [M/N] that he loved him. That day, [M/N] never left Zim's side because someone, someone with pure intentions loved him. Zim never had alternate motives, no other agenda, he just loved [M/N] for himself. Zim may have been the most destructive, loud, determined, bold and a complete genius if he knew how things worked but he only loved [M/N]. It warmed him, his shoulders stopped shaking and his tears dried up. His antennas pulled back and snarled at Red who touched his shoulder. His golden eyes narrowed and he held Zim's PAK against his chest, and a loud hissing sound coming out his throat. Red pulled back, and antennas pulled back, scowl on his lips. " You're making the wrong decision, Yellow."

" I don't care, I don't care." He hissed, tongue flickering out a bit threathingly, " I said my name is [M/N], my assigned name, not the stupid name you and purple gave me." Red hissed at the other, and fist clenched. " I'm going to murder you, for coming to my planet, for threating me and for destroying my home." [M/N] growls, his PAK legs coming out, lifting him a few feet above Red, carrying the now brightly lit pink PAK. " AND FOR KILLING MY SMEET, INVADER ZIM!"

[M/N] grips the PAK tightly as he swung his leg downwards, and missed Red by an inch, Red scooted back with his own PAK legs, he climbed upwards against the wall like a spider but [M/N] wasn't aiming to hurt or maim, he was aiming to kill. Red moved, shooting one PAK leg at [M/N]'s stomach but he moved back, climbing on the wall too, pulling out his PAK laser, shooting at Red who avoided them with ease but the one that was aimed at a leg on purpose. The leg falls off onto the floor and wires hissed loudly and the broken PAK leg retracted back. Red moved towards the hole, figuring he could work something out or come up with a plan. He yanked some cords down to cover the hole once he heard the tiny clacks of the PAK legs coming behind him. He hurried towards the exit as [M/N] cradles the PAK.

" You love me?"

[M/N] could hear Zim's tiny voice asked him in the back of his head and [M/N] closed his eyes, sitting back to the floor, and once his eyes open, he gazed at the cold body of Zim. Soon, the body would rot out, the blood had dried and the body was far gone. [M/N] looked over the PAK, still lit pink and warm against [M/N]'s chest. He was still alive, his PAK seemingly unharmed. He just needed a body. A body, an Irken one.

I could give him mine...

[M/N] shook his head at the though, no, Zim would riot and literally end their entire species with his body. Despite Red, [M/N] didn't think every Irken should die.

" Wait..He..Mateo!" [M/N] gasped, as he looked at the PAK for a moment longer, and PAK legs coming out, and began climbing from the entrance he came from. Once out the garbage can, he hurried out the door. The sun had gone down by now, and it was barely dark and barely lit up.[M/N] didn't care if people saw him in his true form, with scary PAK legs out. He needed to get to the Membrane household. He used the roof tops, hopping one by one, another and another rooftop. Once he saw the Membrane household, he lands onto the sidewalk and the legs disappeared. [M/N] gulped, before pounding his fist on the door, almost breaking it with the third urgent pound. 

The door opens, and Dib stared up at [M/N] with a curious and worried gaze. " [M/N-"

" Dib, Please, I need help.." [M/N] whispered as the boy's worried worsen, Dib noticed he was cradling something and glanced at it and much to his horror and surprise, there laid a slightly lit up pink PAK and it was slowly dimming. Many scenarios came together, connecting the dots quickly.

Something had just killed Zim and it wasn't him.

Parenthood [INVADER ZIM]Where stories live. Discover now