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[M/N] hummed as he began cleaning, Zim went off to get more Irken supplies for the household, more or less, more Irken sweets for the month. He had a day off from the bar and decided to clean up the base for the day. It has been lacking a proper clean up for days, Zim fiddling around with things In the lab while [M/N] worked seven days a week until two a.m.

So today [M/N] decided to clean, he even had his hair pulled up [or had a headband to keep your bangs away if you have short hair] and began cleaning the walls, broom the kitchen and living room floor, mopped and was currently doing the dishes with extra long yellow gloves. [E/C] focused on the different color dishes when the doorbell rings, making [M/N] sigh.

" Computer, is it the people who want me to know this God is my savior?" [M/N] asked, " I already have enough bibbles."

" It is not a bible person." The computer answered and [M/N] perked up, his eyes glanced at the door. " It is, the Dib."

[M/N] sighs, feeling annoyed that he had to answer the door now, for the Dib. " Of course, I wonder if he's back to ask Zim for his other antenna." After taking off his gloves, he placed them aside as he walked to the door, he unlocked it and opens it, sighing, " Look, Dib, zim is not here at the moment and the thought of you even talking to me is di-" [M/N] looked at him and his eyes widen in shock. His squeedlyspooch twisted into knots as he looked at the human teen.

Dib stood there, his arms to his sides and were a bit blood and his sweater was a bit ripped. His neck had bruises like a hand was squeezing it, his eyes were red and irritated like he was crying or he was high. There was some cuts on his face too, a growing bruise on his left cheek then the cut lip was still bleeding. " Oh, damn," Dib hissed as he wipes his cheeks, wincing when his hand rubbed at the bruise. " Sorry, I.."

" Get your human butt inside." [M/N] blurted out, he looked at him once more, they really did a number on this human teen. " Zim will be upset if I were to turn you away especially when your in this..." [M/N] gestures to all of Dib, " State." [M/N] moved to the side and Dib came inside, limping a bit. Dib sits on the couch as [M/N] sat beside him, his eyes glanced at the wounds.

" Computer, can you please take me and Dib down to the medical bay?" Without an answer, the couch lifted up and began sinking down into the floor. Dib grips the arm of the couch as [M/N] watched him, amused of course. He felt the couch going down, they passed many parts on the lab before the couch stops at an all white room with three metal tables and tools, three pods against the walls. [M/N] got off and Dib stumbled off the couch, almost landing on the floor if [M/N] didn't grasp his arm.

" You're not going to open me up, are you?" Dib asked, his voice sounded raspy and tired.

" No, you make my smeet happy at the moment." [M/N] said as he leads Dib to one of the pods, [M/N] opens the pod with his hand pressing against the panel. " Just get in, clothes off." Dib watched the taller with grimace. " What?"

" Can you like turn around?" Dib asked as he tugged at his sweater in a nervous fashion. [M/N] stared at the human before looking away, turning around to face the panel. He can hear a zipper go down, and clothes falling on the floor. " What now?" [M/N] didn't look back at Dib, " Just step into the pod and I'll close it. Once in there relax, it may feel ticklish but you'll be okay." Dib steps into the pod and it shuts behind.

[M/N] pressed the button and tiny lasers began scanning Dib's body, [M/N] picked up the clothes before laying them in the metal table, computer claws began to sew the clothes. " this kid looked like he had to been from hell and back." He hummed as he watched the claws fix the clothes before pulling them away and the clothes were fixed but bloody. " Computer, put the clothes into the washer then the dryer." The floor opens up and drops the clothes inside, he watched them leave before shutting the hole.

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