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" Ugh! I don't want to wear this."

" Suck it up Dib, it's picture day."

" Well I don't want to suck it up!"

[M/N] sighs as he combs Dib's hair a bit, making the cowlick tuck back a bit which bothered Dib a lot since he hated his cowlick being pulled back and pushed down by gel. The two smaller Membranes were wearing nicer clothes that Mateo thought would make the two nicer for their pictures. Dib a nice set of clothes, white button up shirt, black vest, fennel bowtie and dark pants, he still wore his black boots. Gaz wore a dark purple dress that matched her hair, black flats and matching tights under the dress with black pearls around her neck. She looked beautiful and Dib looked nice, for once.

" You can undo it once your picture is done, little smeet." [M/N] said poking Dib's nose with the brush, Dib rubs his nose with a grin, " Now come on, the bus wi-" There were several honks outside and [M/N] opens the door just as the kids raced outside with their bags and lunches. They waved as [M/N] waved back with a smile. Once the door closed, [M/N] began cleaning up the mess the kids had made before they left. He picked up their empty cereal bowls and began washing them with warm water and soap only to stop when Foodie-o beeps and looked to the robot.

" Sorry to disturb you Sir," The food robot said, rolling over and opens the microwave showing a brown bag. " but my Master, Membrane, he had left his lunch in a hurry early this morning. I'm sure he could get a lunch at his place of work but he tends to forget." Foodie-o fretted at the idea of his master not eating at all. [M/N] only nods his head agreeing, and takes the brown bag. " Don't worry, I'll take it too him, he must be famished by now."

[M/N] held it as he moved outside, locking the door before hailing a cab that came up, " Membrane Labs, down town." The driver grunts before beginning the long drive there. [M/N] smiling despite something twisting in his gut, he shook the feeling off but his squeedlyspooch felt weird, warm and dizzy but he tried to ignore the feeling. [M/N] watched as they passed cars, trees, buildings and such before arriving. Holding the lunch, he paid the driver and made his way inside. The guards let him through, he had been here a few times to drop off dinner or come visit him when Mateo wasn't doing something dangerous.

[M/N] pressed the button and he went up, humming along with the music. Once he was on Mateo's floor, he began walking out and noticed the looks of shock and sadness the co-workers displayed around [M/N]. He didn't understand really, maybe Mateo was in a horrible mood?

Thank the Almighty Tallest that [M/N] brought him lunch now.

[M/N] opens the door and his smile falters, inside was a woman with purple hair that reminded him so much of Gaz, she had pale skin and her head was kinda big too. They break apart from the hug and Mateo looked down at her with the type of admiration and love that the man shown [M/N]. He knew it, he could feel it burn down his neck. [M/N] didn't like it.

" Mateo, Dear." Both looked towards [M/N] and Mateo retracted his hands away from her waist and one on the woman's shoulder, her eyes gleam with some sort of emotion that made [M/N]'s PAK burn. Everything burned. " You've forgotten your lunch at home. I just wanted to bring it for you so that you wouldn't starve." [M/N] walked towards the taller human, eyeing the woman, she looked so much like Gaz it hurts, especially the color of her bright yellow shirt. Showed too much boobs. " Who are you?" [M/N] asked after shoving the brown bag into Mateo's chest.

" Oh, where are my manners-" She began and [M/N] shrugs, " No clue." She kept her smile and offered her hand to [M/N]. " I'm Paulene Gomez, I'm Gaz's mother." She said, practically purring out her title to [M/N] who felt annoyance grow on him fast. " I'm a good friend of Mateo's as well, we did go to high school and all, I was the head cheerleader and Student president." [M/N] kept staring at her to say something that will picked his interest, " Who are you?" She asked, blue eyes gleaming.

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