Secrets- A " The Wanted " Story

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Secrets - A The Wanted Story

"And if you know, how do you get up from an all time low, Im in pieces it seems like pieces!" I sang loudly slamming the garden gate behind me. I thought I heard a singer coming from next doors garden but ignored it, I was not in the mood today and for once the lyrics to my favorite song matched my feelings entirely.

My best friend for 14years and next door neighbor for 13 had moved that very morning, and not just across town either, but to another country! She had been my only friend, my best friend, my almost sister, but now she was gone. Who would I giggle with in the school cafeteria at lunch? Who would I go shopping with for killer outfits? Who would I talk about The Wanted with 24/7? I'll tell you who. No one.

"Jaselyn!" My Mother called up the stairs, "the new neighbors arrived this afternoon I want you to go around and welcome them"

I groaned flinging myself onto my bed,

"No thanks mum, im too depressed at the moment. Can't I do it tomorrow?"

Downstairs I heard my mum sigh before calling back,

"Fine but do it tomorrow please!"

I sighed looking out the window at the house I had spent half my life in,

"Yeah fine!"

A sudden movement in the garden caught my eye; a boy was walking around the garden with a camera in his hand. It looked as though he was trying to take pictures of everything. I pressed further against the window trying to get a better look at him for he had his hood covering his face.

He suddenly spun around in my direction, the camera pointing straight at me. I dived onto the bed, my heart pounding with one question circling around my muddled head.

Why had that mob of curly brown locks looked so familiar?

I slammed my locker door on all my pictures of 'The Wanted' and made my way to English. I used to have every lesson with Rael, we used to talk about everything from boys to what was on TV and we always had a debate about The Wanted. Rael always thought that Tom was the cutest but I always had a soft spot for Nathan the youngest member.

I took my seat making sure not to look at the empty space beside it, it would only start the tears again, and I didn't need that. Not in school.

"Okay Class!" Miss Collins shouted over the uproar in the room, "Today we have a new student joining us, she's just moved all the way from London so I want you to make her feel welcome!"

My head snapped up, a new student? Could she be my new next door neighbor? The girl standing in front of the class was quite small and had long brown wavy hair, she looked really nervous and kept pulling down her collar as If it were strangling her.

"This is Jayne, you can sit over there next to Jaselyn"Miss Collins continued pointing over to Rael's empty seat. Jayne took a seat glancing over to me then looking back at her book.

"Hi" I smiled,

"Hey" she mumbled turning away from me. She didn't utter a word for the rest of the lesson.

I was half asleep when the bell pierced the air causing the scraping of chairs and gathering of books to occur. Jayne was out of the door in a flash leaving behind her phone on the table. I grabbed it and took pursuit nearly knocking into Miss Collins on the way out.

"Jayne!" I yelled, "come back I have your phone"

I turned the corner panting but Jayne was nowhere in sight. Sighing I switched on the phone maybe it had a number I could call to return it. I was confronted with a picture of Jayne and Nathan from the Wanted! I gasped scrolling through other pictures. There were ones of her and another girl with every member of The Wanted. What lucky bitches I thought as I walked into the school cafeteria and took a seat at my usual table.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2012 ⏰

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