Little Brat

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"Faaaaaattttthhhhhheeeeeeerrrrrrr" Judar yelled from down the hall.

"What now?" I sighed, annoyed that Judar was dragging his feet.

"I don't feel like going to school today" He came into the kitchen where I was making breakfast.

"Too bad, get your shoes and brush" I told him, not in the mood to argue with him.

"No." He shrugged and sat down at the table.

I just rolled my eyes as Hakuryuu came in and silently took a seat besides Judar. As much as they argued with each other they were nearly inseparable.

Judar tended to have days like this, he hated his teacher for whatever reason and often refused to go to school. Hakuryuu though never complained, he honestly was quiet and most times looked like he was trying not to cry when he did talk to you and he never, ever let go of the panda stuff toy Ja'far had gotten him.

I set their plates in front of them and made sure the stove was off before going down the hall to get their stuff. This was the normal morning routine. Ja'far was always up first, got himself ready and then got me up either to shower with him or to kiss me goodbye. If I hadn't showered with him I took a shower and then got Judar up. He started his shower and about ten minutes later I got Hakuryuu up and Hakuryuu would join Judar in the shower. This method saved time and water, especially in winter. Besides neither of them cared, Judar just takes really long showers. While waiting to get Hakuryuu up I make their lunches and pack their school bags. While they're finishing their shower I set their clothes out on the counter and make sure they have their towels before going to make breakfast. By the time they get in the kitchen I'm finishing making their breakfast and normally serving it just as Hakuryuu sits down. Then I check and make sure I didn't miss anything in their bags or lunch and if I have someone picking them up I reconfirm that someone is going to be there to get them after school. By then Judar is usually done eating so he goes and gets his brush and Hakuryuu's comb so I can do their hair. I do Judar's first then by the time Hakuryuu finishes eating I'm finishing his hair. After that I make Judar get his shoes on and make sure Hakuryuu is wearing clean socks before getting their stuff together and heading out to take them to school.

And that's pretty much how this morning went but Judar decided he was really going to fight the shoes today. For some reason he hates shoes. He'll wear sandals no issue as long as they're the right style but he will not willingly wear shoes. So our morning brawl is shoes. Winter is too cold to be in sandals and either way his sandals broke. The school doesn't allow flip flops so he has to wear shoes.

We got out the door and into my truck without a problem except Judar still wasn't wearing his shoes. He was carrying them though and set them on the floor in my truck as I buckled Hakuryuu up.

"Judar please put your shoes on" I sighed as I shut the door and went around to get in the drivers seat.

"No." He was buckled in and was holding his shoes, their bags between them.

"Judar." I gave him a look in the mirror as I started the truck.

The radio came on immediately, one of Hakuryuu's favorite country songs came on. Mostly I turn the country station on but here and there I'll pop a cd in and of course the boys have their own playlist on my phone and so on occasion I turn the bluetooth on for them. But thanks to me they are country boys and more often than not we're all three singing along to the radio. Actually they both like singing, Judar has more confidence in his voice but both like singing.

Judar still didn't have his shoes on when I parked in the school's parking lot.

"Judar." I opened his door and stood there, giving him a look.

"No." He crossed his arms and looked away from me as he crossed a leg over the other.

I sighed and just took his shoes and put them on his feet for him. Hakuryuu had already gotten himself out and was waiting with his backpack and panda for us. It's Friday and I'm already tired from the meeting I haven't been through yet.

"Father I don't want to wear these!" He whined as he got out of the truck and made a show of being uncomfortable in the shoes.

"I know kiddo, we'll go look for new sandals when I get out from my meeting this afternoon. Aunt Pisti and Yamraiha are picking you up after school and they should be here on time, if not wait in the office," I kneeled to look at Hakuryuu, smiling as I lifted his chin up, "I love you and I'll see you right after work alright?" I smiled.

"Love you too........" He mumbled and hugged me.

I hugged him back and kissed his head before standing and watching him walk into his preschool classroom. I walked Judar to his class then and kneeled to look at him.

"I'll see you as soon as I'm of work and then we'll go look for new sandals for you, deal?" I asked him.

"Yeah alright....." He sighed.

"Just for today. I love you and I'll see you after school" I smiled reassuringly.

"Love you too" He hugged me and I hugged back.

I waved to him as he went into the classroom and I left to dive to the office.



"What happened now?" I reflexively turned towards the closed glass door, realizing only then I answered Judar who shouldn't even be here in the office. I also had just cut off the man who had been speaking.

A upset looking Judar burst through the door and ran over to me, attaching himself to my waist as Hakuryuu came in after him and waited to be picked up. A flushed Pisti wan't far behind them.

"Oh my djinns Sinbad I'm so sorry!!" She panted, obviously tired from having to chase the boys.

"Its fine, I got them now, thank you" I smiled at her and picked them both up before turning back to the men and women seated around the table.

This wasn't the first time Judar had made a scene or made me get him early. He wasn't early from school but this meeting had another hour. But I'm already used to them demanding attention. Given what they've come from, I don't blame them. I got them situated in my seat, I would be standing anyway, and got them their stuff. With these two, it's best to be prepared so I already had things in my bag for them. Hakuryuu was kept quiet with paper and crayons while Judar was contented with a book. Things went fine until Hakuryuu spoke up.

"Father don't we got to go bad mitten?" He looked up from his paper, cutting me off mid sentence.

I looked at him, about to say no when I remembered he did actually have bad mitten practice.

"shit!" I spun on my heel and left the conference room to go get Ja'far down the hall.

He came back with me, a little confused.

"Wait, Sin what am I doing?" Ja'far asked.

"Finish the meeting" I was rushing to get the stuff packed up before picking Hakuryuu up and starting for the door.

"Judar where are your shoes?" I heard Ja'far ask and I immediately stopped, turning to look at Judar's bare feet.

"Out the window." He smiled and shrugged.

"holy blazing djinn........" I was too tired to be mad at the little brat and Ja'far was clearly going to chew us all out later.

Judar just smirked and sassily swayed his hips as he walked past me to leave the conference room. I gave Ja'far a sheepish smile before leaving with Hakuryuu on my hip.

At least I got out of that meeting early right?

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