Telling them my story

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Joanna's p.o.v.
"Um......Esme where is Alice" I asked she looked and noticed
"Umm... I think she went shopping Alice will be Alice you know" hunter said
"Ok but tell her if she is shopping for me I don't wear yellow unless it is a minion shirt" I said then hunter got a text from Alice
'I already know that is why I did not get her yellow things besides minion shirts'
Hunter read the text than laughed I was confused. but I did not care after that Esme asked
"Joanna will you please go to Carlisle so he can make sure you are ok" i looked at her and politely replied
"No thank you I think I rather not I want to stay with you" she sighed and everybody laughed at what I said then she said
"How about Carlisle looks at you I will hold you he just needs to make sure you are alright" I just nodded and she took me up stairs to what looked like a hospital room. I just grabbed a hold of her shirt to make sure nobody took me. Once she noticed she sighed and Carlisle walked in and grabbed some thing then put it right above my heart to hear my heart beat. he said
"Well your heart is normal but you need to eat very soon. Joanna why were you put in that basket?" I sighed then told them the story when I was finished Esme looked like she was going to cry. after that my tummy growled and Esme took me down stairs and fed me after that I asked
"Now where is Jasper I want to hear the story" Esme laughed and said
"I don't know want to go find him" I nodded my head and we were off to go look for Jasper. I started saying
"Jasper Jasper where are you? I heard something that sounded like I am in here so I told Esme
"I think he is in the living room" she said
"Ok lets go look" we went into the living room and there he was sitting down waiting on me. I reached my arms out to him and he came and got me and I said
"Yeah story time I can't wait. oh can Payton come?" He looked at me confused then looked and at Esme. Esme nodded her head and I looked at Payton and said
"Come on Payton this is going to be awesome" everybody in the room was confused but then did not think nothing of it and he went to go sit down he said
"I will only tell you the short story because I do not want you to be scared of me" I just nodded my head and said
"Who could be scared of you. you look like a lion sometimes" he was confused then asked
"How do I look like a lion?" I giggled and said
"The way your blond hair goes to your chin in looks like a lion main" he laughed then said
"Well then thank you I think" I giggled again and said
"Come on come on come on I want to hear the story pretty please" he smiled and said
"Yes ok so where do I begin" I laughed and said
"Oh I know right before you were turned then go from there" he said
"Ok we'll I was I was in the civil war and there were these three girls and the one in the middle told me to come with her so I followed them then they changed me then they built a army and I had to get rid of the bad vampire then I met Alice and then me and Alice met the Cullen's. So that is pretty much the short story. Ok I have a question for you." I just nodded for him to go on and he asked
"Why were you abandoned?" I said
"Can everybody listen I don't want to say it again after this?" he laughed and said
"Yes they can." and in a split second everybody was down stairs in the living room sitting down. I told them everything that happened. they looked like Esme did hunter came and picked me up. then I yawned then they all laughed. and hunter asked
"Are you tiered? " I just nodded he went to go put me in his bed but I would not let go of his shirt I was holding on to it for dear life.
Hunters p.o.v.
After Joanna told us her story we all looked like we were going to cry. Then she yawned and we all laughed. I asked her if she was tiered and she nodded so I took her up to my room. She had a death grip on my shirt she was so cute. After she fell asleep I went to go lay here on my bed. That might have been a bad idea she started balling then she woke up. By then all my family were in the room asking me a million questions. I finally said
"She is fine I just went to go lay her down on my bed and she started balling it is ok. I will just hold her and she can sleep in my arms tonight." They all sighed in relief that Joanna was not hurt and left.
A/N hey guys so so so sorry for not updating lately I am very sorry but I will update very soon.

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