Happy Birthday!!

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Tord woke up after such a tiring day, he blinked and sat up, still tired, he glanced to his side only finding empty space, with a note on the pillow. Huh? Strange, normally he would say it to him or message him. Without any hesitation, he open the note:

'I will be going out today, sorry to leave ya there. Need to take care some shit and certain stuff. Love you'

Tord smirked, as usual with signature but there's something that caught his eyes "Certain stuff? How suspicious... "But he let it slide, not giving it much thought. Maybe he's just gettin much bother from his friends. Although, he feels like today is important day. 

As he got off the bed, he felt a sharp pain at his hips, must have been last night, he should lessen the schedule more. 

"Edd? Matt? "Tord called them from upstairs but greeted with silence, maybe they went out too? It's strange indeed, they're all going out without him. Sighing, he went downstair to wash himself, putting clothes on and maybe just stay in home for a while. 


"Ugh, I'm getting bored... "Tord sighed and shut off his 3rd smoke, why the heck they're taking too long?! In boredom, he decided to watch TV, hoping it would mend out his bore. 

After an hour laying on the couch, he decided to get up and think of something, something definitely going behind me, why would they plan things without me? He thought as he walk upstairs, getting dressed. 

"Maybe I should give him warning"he smirked slyly, as he flip the note over and wrote:

'You displease me with your absence, i expect an explanation after this. Love you too. '

He fold the note as he went downstairs again. Leaving it on the table infront of couch, he grabbed his keys and went out. 

"Having fun without me? Feels like I'm being left out.. "He sighed as he approached his car, getting in and start the engine, where should he go? He have no slightest idea where they are, hnm how about bar where he and Tom always went to? But that seems too convenient... After some thoughts, he decided to find Edd and Matt first. He then drive to stores they usually go. 


"Edd, what if he still inside the house? He's gonna ask us bunch of questions! "Matt lift all stuff that they bought as they arrived home "Oh c'mon don't worry about that! Tom left the note enough to distract him! "Edd said happily, excited to suprise his bestfriend "I don't think that suffice enough, Edd" Tom sighed, he knew he can't fool him "What makes you cast doubt on your boyfriend?! "Edd pouted "Looking onto us, he's smarter than me" Edd laughed "Oh c'mon Tom it's not like smart will stay forever smart! "Matt shook his head "Let's just see how it goes" Edd nodded and start to tilt the doorknob, much expected itd locked. 

"See? I knew he's going to search for us"Edd unlocked the door and went it, followed by Tom and Matt "Then, we have to hurry before he came back"Matt take out all the stuffs and carefully placed them on the table "Okie dokie! I'll take care of cake and you two take care of decorations! "Tom stopped him "I have an idea" Edd and Matt looked at him in same time "What of it? "They both ask in same time "... We rather drop off the decorations since it take a lot of time, I can do something else than putting these shitty decor all over the living room"Edd crossed his arms "It's his birthday! We need to make it special you know" 

Matt chuckled "Oh, Edd, let's just get along with it! I liked that idea" he grinned and Edd says smoothly "You're just agreeing with him cause you're lazy" Matt whined "Please don't label me like that, I swear it's only cause I respect his request" Edd scoffed "Fine, enough talking,, let's get this over with" Matt smiled sheepishly "Please don't get mad Edd, here how about I'll help you with the cake" Matt offered and Edd blushed "W-Well I guess I allow you" Matt happily smile "Great! "

As they both entered the kitchen, Tom scanned the living room as he noticed there a note laying on the table, how could they missed that, he picked up the note and unfold it and read it, oh, yeah as expected. 

Explanation? Words seems not effective... How about actions? Oh yeah! 


"I cant believe I went around town for only finding them, and it's reaching sunset, I'm sure they already home. Ugh, I'll juice out words from their mouth once I get there" he sighed in annoyance as he parked his car, noticing other car has already parked, he prepared to make them all kneel infront of him. 

He opened the door, dark? Something are clearly wrong here, he step inside as sound of door slammed behind him, he panicked but quickly realize that hands are covering his eyes "W-Who are you?! "He struggled but relaxed when a familiar voice spoke behind him "I'm sorry for startling you, fuck I know this is some kind of typical romantic shit but I can't think of any" Tord crossed his arms and leaned on "I'll appreciate your unique approach but I suggest you to take off your hands from my eyes, and please restraint your profanity"he spoke in low voice "I dont want you to see this yet" he heard switch noise and began to suspect something "What of it? Is this some kind of prank? "Tom gritted his teeth "Of course not, it's something else"

Tord scoffed "You better hurry with this, you still owe me something " as his voice slowly turned husky "Yeah, I got you" as he take off his hands off his eyes, a confetti pop as Edd and Matt both yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORD! " they pop out more confetti as Tord watched it, speechless. 

"D-Did you not like it? " Edd asked after noticing is behaviour "Tom! See I told you to make it special! "He pouted angirliy "Oh c'mon we don't have a time" Tom rolled his eyes "N-No, it's not that I didn't like it... " Tord held his head high, tears forming at edge of his eyes as he smiled "... I'm happy that you guys still remembered and even carried out a suprise for me" Edd hugged Tord instantly "Of course I remembered! You're my bestfriend in the world, Tord! "Tord hugged him back "Even after everything I did? "Edd broke the hug and smiled "We should forget bad times! It's in the past now, and we once said that no matter what the cost, we will forever be bestfriend! "Tord wiped his tears "Ah, yes, im sorry for ruining the mood" "It's alright! Let's celebrate it! "

Tom walked toward Tord and hugged him "What's the matter? " Tom have his firm voice "Please don't feel guilty of the past anymore, I hate it when you bring that up" Tord sighed "Im sorry, it's unlike me to get sappy, it may be impossible to forget all of it but I will try to not think of it" Tom broke the hug and rubbed te back of his neck "if only I noticed my true feeling that time, I wished i never done any of that " Tord smiled sadly "I knew that, I'm too driven by my desire... Although it still remain but I want to achieve that with Justice "Tom smiled sheepishly "You changed a lot" Tord put his robot hand on his face "You changed me" Tom blushed "I-It's not a big deal, by the way, I can't get any words or shit-i mean stuff to explain it to you" 

Tord laughed "Well everything does explain it a lot" he leaned closer "and instead of words, action will tell faster than it"Tom held him firmly and kissed him, Tord kissed back but more stronger, he slide his tongue inside his mouth earning a whimper from taller man. 

"Guys, the cake gonna melt"Matt said as he grin and chuckle teasingly, both of them stopped and Tord grinned while Tom blushibg madly in embrassment. "Haha, how ignorant of me, and I, too looking forward for the cake" Tord walked to them and cut the cake, Edd who's drooling at it, ate most of it, Tord can't help but have fun with his friends. 


Tom was in his room, tidying his stuffs after such long day. He didn't even notice that the door is open. A short man entered his room quietly. 

"Tom... "Tom startledly turned around "Huh? Oh, what is it? "Tord hugged him tightly "Thank you... For everything"Tom hugged back "Y-Yeah, for once i wanna do something for you... "Tord nuzzle himself on his chest "It's the best and I missed you a lot" there's a shyness implied in his tone "Im sorry about that" Tom grinned nervously as he patted his head. As their eyes met, he could tell the norsk are overwhelmed by his touch. 

"I love you, you know"

"Yeah, I love you too, my lovely commie"

"Hey! We agreed to never use that nickname again! "

"I-It was just slip of the tongue, trust me!"

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