"Two hours ago," she sighed, adjusting the headband that pulled back a dyed pink fringe. She looked around nineteen or twenty - out of high school but not yet on a chosen career path. Daisy remembered being that age. It was stressful, sure, but it was nice. "Someone's gotta get everything set up and baked."

"Worth it," Daisy said through a mouthful of food. "This is delicious."

The girl's cheeks flushed with pride. Daisy got a glance at her name badge; Marnie. "So, what's up with you, Miss FBI? Why do you only have one arm out?"

Daisy felt a genuine chuckle escape from her lips. Sometimes she forgot that there were normal people out in the world - ones that didn't want to kill or hurt others, ones that weren't so serious all the time. People that had regular lives without the constant action and intensity. It was refreshing, to say the least. "I, uh, got shot a couple weeks ago."

Marnie's eyes widened. "You're kidding."

Daisy shook her head with an amused smile.

"Whoa," the girl leaned back and exhaled a large breath of air. "Is that the case you're working now?"

"No," the agent replied. "This one was a guy who'd been stalking me for a little while."

"Shit," Marnie blinked in surprise. "And to think I'm complaining about an early shift? I bet you've been awake for hours. Why can't you just go home?"

"Because there's still a lot of work to do," Daisy said with a shrug. "And don't sell yourself short, kid. Without you, I'd be stuck walking around in the rain feeling sorry for myself."

Marnie's laugh was full of a youthful innocence, one that was almost soothing to Daisy after the past few days she'd had. The barista looked out the window once more and her eyes narrowed. She pointed outside, and Daisy followed to see a figure standing out in the rain. "Is that another FBI person?"

Daisy squinted a little, leaning forward. She swore, recognising the suited man shouting her name. "Shit, that's my boss."

"Your boss?" Marnie did a double take as Daisy got up from her seat and walked to the entrance. "Wh...why didn't he just call you or something? Isn't that a thing with you guys?"

"Yeah, well I'm a dumbass who forgot her phone and is probably in serious trouble," Daisy responded as she swung the front door open and stepped out for a moment. It seemed the downfall had only gotten stronger, so she had to yell. "Hotch!"

Hotch's head snapped over to where she was standing across the road, his hair dripping wet atop his head. Daisy lifted her hand over her face to see him through the pouring rain, watching as he ran across the street.

By the time he reached her, water was pooling at his feet, and he was panting for breath. Daisy wanted to kick herself for how attractive she was finding him. There was something about the way his white shirt was clinging to his body, and how his tie was slightly loosened around his neck. No, Daisy. Stop. "Are you okay?"

Daisy felt herself shift into her faked playful personality. She raised an eyebrow and reached over to run a hand through his hair with a soft chuckle. It was so much easier to pretend than acknowledge everything that had taken place over the last thirty-six hours. "Maybe I should ask you the same thing."

"Daisy, don't," Hotch shook his head, taking her wrist and gently pulling her closer to him. Daisy wanted to look anywhere but his face, but she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away. His expression was unreadable - she genuinely had no idea what he was feeling in that moment. "Are you okay?"

Daisy's lip twitched. The anger she had previously felt was still simmering inside her, but she couldn't seem to find the will to act on it. He did things to her, and she hated it. "Of course I'm not, Hotch. What do you want me to say?"

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