are there gonna be parties? house shows? local spots that the teens like to hang out at? i might not be able to make as many friends as quickly as i'd like, but at least there'd be places i could go to. maybe a cool reservoir or a meadow, i dont know. rivi would be fine considering she was still pretty much a baby. would joey make friends? he's about to turn 12, and i know middle school is a terrible place to be new at unless you already had superstar qualities.

in that case, joey's gonna rock it at westmore middle school.

after many many hours of mom taking over to drive (she doesn't like to speed above 4 mph than the posted limit), we pulled up in front of a large and beautiful house.

"holy shit..." i gaped and laughed.

"i know right, ohio may not look like much but god damn are the houses cheap" mom gasped in awe at the house as well. "alright here are the keys, you start getting the boxes in and i'll wake up the little ones " she smiled.

all i got from that was that i got first pick on the rooms.

i chose a room on the top floor that was next to some stairs leading to an....attic-loft-room??? either way that shit was about to become mine as well.

𝟼:𝟻𝟻 𝙿𝙼

"and.......there" mom said as we placed the for-some-reason heavy filmore volkswagen van bed into joey's room. i leaned forward with my hands on my knees heavily breathing. sometimes i wonder if i'm asthmatic. or unfit. maybe both. plus more probably.

"you know joey, ima take that bed from you one day" i threatened my little brother.

that bed was so fucking sick for no reason. despite being almost 18, i would sometimes chill in joey's room for the sole purpose of his cool ass giant filmore bed.

i checked my phone while walking downstairs to see that it was 7:03pm.

the furniture that we couldn't handle ourselves were all set up by the movers while we handled the other basic furniture stuff like tables and chairs while joey watched and fed rivi. we obviously weren't completely done organizing by the time the u-haul truck was on its way out, but we made more progress than expected so yay.

"honey what time is it?!" mom yelled, turning swiftly around the corner of the downstairs hallway in a rush, scaring the shit out of me.

"s-sHit, uh sorry it's like 7:06 i wanna say?" i quickly stumbled on my words as i grabbed my chest.

"okay so, i forgot to tell you but there's a welcoming event at the roller skating rink about 10 minutes away from here for the upcoming 7th graders starting at 7 and i told joey about it on the way over here and he said he wanted to go! so i bought all of our tickets and i lost track of time so.........GET READY!" she quickly said in one breath.

where the fuck was i when this happened???
probably in the passenger seat taking a nap with my blanket covering me like a warm dead body.

i hurried and sifted through all my clothes in the boxes in my room until i found an outfit i felt comfortable and cute in. maybe there were cute guys my age being dragged to this event too? it doesn't matter anyways. i don't dress for the boys. i dress for the little girls that look at me and think, 'i wanna be like her'.

tummy rumblin'  ☘︎︎  rodrick heffleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang