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Chan didn't speak to Jihye for the rest of the night. He slept in the pool house and didn't even bother being around the next morning when she was getting ready to leave. He just went for his run like it was any other morning. He ran a little further just to be sure he wouldn't have to see her.

Aera watched as the kids cried for their mother as she was leaving, but she just kissed them on the forehead and told them to be good. She was surprised Jihye didn't catch any of the death glares she was sending her behind her back. Chan came running around the house wearing his jogging gear and iPod buds in his ears – completely ignoring the fact that his wife was leaving. Minhee was busy bustling the kids back inside for arts and crafts time, while Aera stood and watched as Chan stopped in the yard to begin his stretches. His body was so fabulously fit and just watching his muscles made Aera want him that instant. She walked over to him with determination.

"Pool house – now," she said after pulling one of his ear buds out of his ear.

"But, I'm sweaty..." He started to protest as she began walking toward the exterior building.

"Now," she demanded, turning her head toward him, but continued on. Well, then.

Chan quickly ran to the main house and looked into the playroom window where he saw Minhee with the kids, blissfully unaware of what he and Aera were doing – or about to do. He darted across the yard making his way into the pool house right after Aera. There was a trail of her discarded clothes leading all the way to the bathroom and he couldn't help but smile, knowing she was naked, waiting for him.

He found her in the bathroom, testing the heat of the streaming shower with her hand. His eyes roamed up and down her body, immediately feeling the excitement race through him. Fucking her in the shower was not a bad idea.

"Why are you still clothed? Get your ass in here," she said, turning toward him and smiling.

He smiled back at her as he kicked off his running shoes and began removing what little clothing he had on until he was standing in front of her naked. He went straight for her, wrapping his arms around her from behind so they rested on her smooth stomach and kissed her shoulder blade.

"Someone's in control today," he breathed against her skin.

"It looked like you needed a pick-me-up," she told him as she turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Anything with you is a pick-me-up," he told her honestly, looking down at his already hardening penis.

"I'm happy to help you out," she said, smiling into a kiss.

Chan really enjoyed all of this with Aera. She always seemed to know exactly what was going to get him going. But then again, having sex withheld for months made everything amazing now that he was finally getting some again. Aera pulled him in the shower with her, the hot water and her naked body feeling amazing against his skin.

"Let's... let's get you soaped up," she giggled as his lips explored the curve of her neck.

"Mm-hmm," he hummed against her skin.

As she tried to lather him up, he was lost in her. He was trying to appreciate every inch of her skin with his hands and lips. She was so beautiful, so amazing.

"You're making this rather hard," she giggled, squirming in his arms.

"You're making me rather hard," he grinned at her. Her laugh was intoxicating. Everything about her was intoxicating.

Chan conceded and let her soap up his body, letting himself appreciate her taking care of him. He really did like her taking charge.

"I like being washed. I should hire you to be my personal bather," he suggested, smirking at her.

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