Chapter 2.

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When your life is full of lemons, people say just make the lemonade from those lemons, but the main question is what if you don't like lemonade?

My life is sour and painful and I don't know until when I can keep up with this charade.

My mom was giving a huge smile to that snake of my stepfather, while my head was low. I mumble a small good morning without looking at him, and I know he wants me to look at him in his eyes, he wants me to see the satisfaction on his face about yesterday night, but I am not giving it to him whatever he desires. Never.

My mother frowns by my lack of enthusiasm and frankly I don't care, so to avoid any awkward situation, I stood up from the chair hanging my backpack on my shoulder, I chipped a bye. My mother opened her mouth to say something but I was quick to march towards the front door.

" Wait cheery pie" the venomous voice stopped me in my tracks and I have to take a deep breathe to calm my nerves.

He came forward and stood directly in front of me. I looked into his eyes and saw a dangerous glint in it.

"Aren't you going to give your dad a hug cheery pie" He said in a sickly sweet  voice, I can hear my mom giggling in the background.

I stood like a stiff rod and nodded. He smiled and wrapped his arms on my frame and I instantly wish to vanish in a thin air. I don't want him anywhere near me, but I stay silent and let him hug me.

"Behave cheery pie, or I will not be gentle like yesterday, remember you are mine" he whispered in my ears and I fought hard to control my tears. If he thought yesterday he was gentle, then I don't know what he will do when he will be rough, I shuddered, I really don't want to go there, so I simply nodded while my posture is rigid. He broke the hug and I don't know what he saw on my face but he hums in satisfaction. He pressed my arms lightly and gave me the much needed space. I without wasting any more time dashed outside the door to take the breathe I forgot to take in his presence.

I wanted to cry, but my tears gave up on me long ago, I wanted to shout at my asshole of a stepfather who takes pleasure in beating me and is lusting after me,my naivè mom who doesn't even know what's going on in her daughter's life. But I can not let my mom die, atleast she is happy and she is fighting that's enough for me to go on for now. Soon, I will get out of this situation. Soon.

I sniffed lightly and started moving towards the nearest bus stop.

Soon the bus rolled by and I took a window seat, again losing myself in my thoughts.

When I was 16 my life was simply a clichè, I was an average student in a high school with average grades. My life was simple, I wasn't a part of popular crowd, neither I was a nerd, I didn't have any best friends but I was not totally alone as I get along with everybody. My school is a typical high school.
Springfield High has its fair share of jocks, cheerleaders, geeks, nerds. Our principle is very strict, so bullying is very rare in my school but that doesn't stop some jocks and queen bees to pester weak students. The hierarchy system in our school is fair hence less bullying.

I was never bullied as I steer clear from the 'it' crowd. I dared not cross the paths with them.

My thoughts again went towards my family.

My biological dad died when I was two due to heart attack, so I dont have any memories of him, my mother raised me well on her own as she was an orphan. The grans from my dad's side were not in the picture because my dad loved my mom. Clichè right? Well it was love at first sight. My father's family was middle class, he worked in an office as an accountant. One day my dad and mom met in a bus and voila they clicked instantly. Dad proposed after dating her for 5 months but my grans were against it because they wanted a wealthy daughter in law, so my dad and my mom ran away and got married. After 2 years my mom gave birth to me, and when I was two I guess the pressure of work, home, wife, child was too much for my father to handle and he died from a heart attack.

My grans blamed my mom for my father's sudden death and they wanted to take me away from her but Daniel Collins, my stepfather fought my mother's case and from then onwards they became friends sort of.

They were in touch but he became busy so my mom lost contact with him.

When I was 16, I found out mom has stomach cancer, I don't know it was our bad luck or what Daniel contacted my mom again and while I hoped it will all get better, my life becomes more gloomy when he met me and I found out the lust in his eyes. For me.

He became one of the famous lawyer and made my mom leave her job in the supermarket, while making her fall in love with him. He wanted me to leave my two jobs as well but my mother supported me in my decision, therefore he couldn't say more. He married my mom and paid for all the facilities and chemo for my mom but I know his intentions very well.

Those jobs and school are perfect distractions from the pathetic life I have been living for the past one and a half year.

My thoughts were disrupted when I heard the bus horn indicating my station. I stepped down and started walking towards my school.

When I reached the gates, I saw a crowd forming and the laughters echoing.

I stood on my tip toes to see what's with the crowd forming, I see a complexion of dark haired boy, who is 6ft tall having broad muscles, his physique is very defined. No wonder people are surrounding him because in the middle of them stands none other than Trent King.

A boy with broad shoulders and a sinfully beautiful face, a boy who is the grandchild of the co founder of this school, a boy who transferred recently from New York and is a perfect A+ student, a boy who is the captain of baseball team, a boy who wears glasses.

All in all he is the epitome of perfection, he is such a good boy that I haven't heard him talking ill for anybody or to anybody.

But for some unknown reasons, I fear him and he always makes sure to instil that fear in me.

A/n: Heya people, how are you all??

Well it's a start of an epic love story. Lol just kidding😂
It's up to ya'll to decide whether it is epic or a failure.

Please cherry on the top please vote and comment..

Until next time...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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