•• Roasting His Darkened Heart ••

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Admin: Hi guys. I'm sorry I've not been very active on this account. I've been SO busy with online school, but I'm back so I finally finished roasting this book! Enjoy!

Where do I even begin with this fanfic?? 😓

I have to admit, there's not a lot of flaws in this fanfic or unexplained things like, "Their Never After," had.

However, I did find some things in this particular fanfic that are worth mentioning. I'm gonna try to look past the fact that this story is about my fav son and his boyfriend—SORRY—I meant Best Friend.

So the story's real first important part is in Chapter one in which Japeth and Aric meet one another. I find it weird that Japeth is literally hiding in the bushes because he was trying to avoid his brother. I mean I don't wanna read about my Favorite son hiding in some bushes because he's annoyed at his infuriating brother. Japeth shouldn't have acted so cowardly, and he should've faced Rhian like a champ. If I'd raised Japeth and Rhian, I'd have taught the both of them to get the HELL ALONG and to NOT HIDE LIKE COWARDS!!

Than there's the part after Aric and Japeth lay waste to Dean Burnhilde's garden. The two newfound friends end up roasting Rhian and his friend, Kei, for doing their "stupid Camelot roleplay," as Japeth puts it. The thing that really stands out to be in this part is when Rhian and Japeth start arguing over Rhian's Camelot Beliefs. I MEAN HOW CAN RHIAN EVEN THINK THAT KING ARTHUR IS HIS DAD?? If he were King Arthur's son, than that'd mean him and Japeth would be related to that dweeb I can't stand—Tedros.

SURE, Rhian and Japeth are in the dark about who their father really is. But Rhian, throughout the whole story, is adamant on believing his father is the one and only King Arthur. I get that Evelyn and I had intentions to have Rhian and Japeth take over Camelot and fulfill the prophecy of The One True King. But it's like Rhian is TOO focused on his damn Camelot roleplaying and trying to make everyone believe his claims, so I understand why Japeth finds his brother so unbearable at times.

Of course, there comes chapter 3 and after Aric and Japeth slack off on their chores, they end up going upstairs. Aric basically asks Japeth out and Japeth just friend zones him like it's nothing!! I know they just met that day but it's like Aric and Japeth's newfound friendship is going forward too much. At this point, Aric and Japeth have already admitted some personal issues to each other like how Japeth and Rhian don't get along and how Aric was left in a cave.

Later, Aric has a nightmare about his mother killing Japeth. That nightmare came out of nowhere and get that it was that nightmare that led up to chapter 4, but it was just SO RANDOM. From my perspective on this scene, I can conclude that Aric might already have deeper feelings for my son, but that's weird. And it's weird because you have to remember that Aric and Japeth only just met THAT DAY. I know there's that dumb saying about love at first sight, but that's just unrealistic. Plus, Aric and Japeth don't even know one another really and feelings don't just blossom between people that fast!

Anyway, chapter 4 was just...CRAZY. My gracious—It was very generous of Japeth to take Aric to him and Rhian's childhood home (much like how I took Sophie to MY childhood home in, "Their Never After."), but I can't disregard the part where Aric stabs an old man in the leg to protect Japeth. Okay, I have to admit, it was sweet of Aric to defend Japeth but was the knife licking part really necessary? It's like Aric is trying to impress Japeth by defending him from that old man and I applaud his attempts, but I found yet again that their friendship was going too fast. THEY BARELY KNOW EACH OTHER AND ALREADY THEY'RE FALLING ASLEEP BESIDE EACH OTHER??? It's like Japeth and Aric are two lovesick puppy dogs when they've only known each other for two days by now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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